Bill Allows IRS To Revoke Second Amendment Rights By Stealth

Daisy Luther
April 24, 2012

It looks like the power of the IRS to revoke passports is merely a drop in the tyrannical bucket.

The Senate has voted to approve Bill 1813, which is now on its way to the House.  The insidious bill has so many attacks on freedom that the most serious one has been largely overlooked.

There are two attacks on gun ownership in this bill.  The text of the bill, all 1676 pages of it, can be found HERE.

The first attack on the right to bear arms is found on page 1323.

The Secretary may modify, suspend, or terminate a special permit or approval if the Secretary determines that—(1) the person who was granted the special permit or approval has violated the special permit or approval or the regulations issued under this chapter in a manner that demonstrates that the person is not fit to conduct the activity authorized by the special permit or approval; or (2) the special permit or approval is unsafe.

In the ambiguous language that the Congress so loves to employ in all things unconstitutional, we can translate that to the parental favorite, “Because I said so.”

The second attack on gun ownership is more subtle.

There is a stream of logic that you have to follow.

First, if this bill passes, the IRS will have the authority to take away the passports of those whom they say owe more than $50,000 in taxes.  (The tax debt doesn’t have to be proven, mind you, the IRS simply has to accuse you of owing the money.)  You can find this section on page 1447 of the Bill.

When your passport is revoked by the government, you are suddenly on the “no-fly list”.

Membership in the no-fly club puts you on yet another list, as a potential domestic terrorist.

Domestic terrorists are not allowed to have guns.

Don’t believe me?  Listen to Raul Emanuel gloat of it.  He eloquently states “If you are known as maybe a possible terrorist you cannot buy a handgun in America.” (1:13 of the video)

Emanuel, the Mayor of Chicago and former Obama Chief of Staff, makes the top of my personal treason list for this statement. In his own words, “maybe a possible terrorist” means you shouldn’t be allowed the rights guaranteed to you as an American. No proof necessary.

Bill 1813, ”Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act”, is chock full of new ways to take away our personal freedoms.  The bill would require “stalker boxes” on our vehicles, puts a huge number of restrictions on travel and transportation within the US, allows the government to revoke documents and licenses in ambiguous language and is, in essence, nearly 1700 pages of new restrictions. (You can find a summary HERE if you don’t want to read all 1676 pages).

A Call to Action

Did your Senator vote for this bill?  There’s a good chance he or she did, as only 22 Senators voted against it.  You can find out how your senator voted HERE.

The bill was sponsored by Barbara Boxer (California) and co-sponsored by Max Baucus (Montana), James N. Inhofe (Oklahoma), and David Vitter (Louisiana). For your convenience, I’ve included links to the contact information for each of these Senators.  Be sure and send an email to let them know how you feel about this new attack on freedom.

Email your Representatives and make it very clear that you consider this Bill an act of treason against the Constitution. This directory contains email addresses and contact information for all members of Congress.

Every bill that goes through Congress right now appears to hold another threat to the Constitution (if not multiple threats).  Every word needs to be carefully analyzed so we can fight these attacks.

Daisy Luther’s blog is Inalienably Yours.

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121 Responses to “Bill Allows IRS To Revoke Second Amendment Rights By Stealth”

  1. So both of the bitches from California voted “yea”. Nothing new here folks.

    It looks more and more likely that we will have a shooting war against the feds.

    The Siege of Sarajevo will look like a tea party compared to what’s gonna happen in the streets of the USA. For those too young to know or care, Sarajevo was just like any big city with tall buildings. The water was cut off, no electricity, every store, school, church, you name it, was closed, venturing outside during the day could cost you your life as anyone with a gun in hand shot anything that moved.

    Obama needs to go. We know he is a puppet of the globalists, but me thinks this imposter from Kenya wants to take out the globalists and stand on top of the world.

    These are truly interesting times…

  2. The sky is falling… The sky is falling…

  3. Any nation who’s written laws can’t fit in your wallet needs a flush.

  4. Are targeted assassinations of the top leadership of this growing tyranny beginning to make sense to some of you who were squeamish before? Doing this will put these traitors in check.


  6. Enough of the 2party tyranny! Look up on YouTube:

    2012 Presidential Debate Of Alternative Parties


    Stop Voting For Democrats Republicans

  7. We NEED God on our side. Why do you think they removed God out of our culture? It was so then “they” could fill that void. We’ve lost our way folks. We’ve chosen the wrong path. And as long as we continue down this path, there will be nothing else we can do, but enter into the darkness of guaranteed destruction. We need REAL leadership, honest men, men willing to sacrifice like our forefathers, to be able to stop this corruption. We need REAL God fearing men and Godly leadership, not the hypocrites that lie to us daily across this country in most churches. Men of old. Men with REAL wisdom. Men with Truth. We need to break the hypnotic grasp of media and entertainment. These amusements have done nothing, but to stop us from REAL thinking. Break away from the phony reality we now live in. Slap yourselves until you wake. Please, I beg of you, WAKE UP!

    Where is the bravery? Where is the sacrifice? And I’m not even considering the sacrifice of our military, we need civilian sacrifice and bravery. What are we going to leave our children? Who are we and what kind of people have we become?

    Eliminate the materialism in our lives that has become our God. We have fallen away from our first love and have embraced idolatry. God in His holiness will bless us as a nation no longer. Unless as a nation, we repent, and turn away from our sin. Only then, will we have the ability and power to turn the tides on evil. But, if we continue to stay asleep, the enemy WILL win. There will be nothing to do, but prepare for our day of reckoning.

    That time is almost here. I pray for our nation and pray for an awakening, a REAL awakening. One where TRUTH lives in all of us.

  8. Really?

    If they are that damn set on us being terrorists, perhaps we should give them a lesson in what real terrorists act like, so they can get a clear picture …

  9. Let’s be clear, these people are the terrorists – trampling the U.S. Constitution with little regard for the patriotism of its own citizens, not the U.S. citizenry who clearly recognize tyranny when they see it. Declaring Ron Paul and his followers ‘potential terrorists’. The place has gone mad. Additionally, the IRS has been a domestic terrorist organization for many decades. Look what the IRS did to Joe Louis, the great boxer and millions of others. These people have no empathy and FAR too much power and its therefore time for Americans to lawfully and constitutionally take back what is rightfully theirs. Let the good times roll.

  10. The doorbell rang. A stranger stood outside, but I answered it.

    “Can I help you?” I asked.

    “I are ass,” he seemed to say.

    “Well, I’m sorry to hear that,” I replied, “your grammar isn’t very good either,” then closed the door and left him standing there.

  11. Forget 42 USC 1983 it’s a statutory trap … a red herring. Use plain ‘ol tort law to nail these bastards to the wall.

  12. Give ole’ Rahm 50 swipes with a boxcutter,then tell him that I hope you realize Rahmmy that if I had a gun all this misery would be unescessary.

  13. Doesn’t anyone here know who they are and the law. The supreme law of the land is the Constitution of the united States of America. It cannot be amended by legislation. Any statute, code, ordinance, rule, etc. that is not in compliance with the constitution is void ab initio. Any “laws” made by any of our government corporations apply only to their corporate members. The only thing that applies to the people of this nation is the constitution. If any employee of these corporations infringes any of our constitutionally protected rights, they are breaking the law and are subject to prosecution under 42 USC 1983. The people are superior and we must hold our servants accountable! Educate yourselves.

    • Lets all be sure to tell them that as they’re beating our doors down to take our guns!

    • Exactly, that is what everyone is pointing out. Their whole modes of operations are unconstitutional and illegal, they have trashed the Constitution and are acting like they legally have the powers which they are criminally arresting, harassing and threatening American citizens with …

      We are rapidly approaching the situation the forefathers had, you have to openly shoot treasonous public servants in the streets! It is really going to be hard to conduct any business at all, with that going on!

    • Right, Fredhead. Nice to hear from someone with most of their ducks in a row. However, the Constitution does not apply to the people. It applies only to the government. Nowhere in the Constitution does it imply or attempt to operate on the people.

      The Bill of Rights in its attempt to satisfy a safety net for the people, implies that the government cannot do at least any of those things listed therein.

      Just read it as though you were one of the founders. There was not yet a union, so they drafted a set of rules that would apply to the governments FOR the several states IF they decided to ratify it and join a union (basically under construction at that time) in attempt to keep the people safe from any government going tyrannical. Remember most of the states did not want a union for fear of what we now have. The “we the people . . .” statement meant them the people that signed the documents which would eventually create a more perfect union . . .

      • And weren’t we warned by those same founders, that every so often some blood must be shed to maintain freedom? Looks like these traitors want to be reminded. The time is very near.

  14. And yet again, Begich and Murkowski have proven that they hate freedom and should be banished from ever returning to Alaska.


  15. Anyone who has overdue library books is a terrorist or if they drive w/o a seatbelt.

    If they are walking and cross against the signal then that is terrorism or if they let their lawn grow too high.

  16. Criminals (DC gang) want to hide from real justice (the people).
    The zionist gangsters want to keep what they have stolen through usary and deception and war.
    They seem to be expanding this power grab now at an expotential rate. Faster and faster.

    Don’t give up on Ron Paul.
    He is the real leader and they know it.
    Don’t believe any of the MSM about him. (should go without saying).
    If they cheat him out of a victory; the messages will survive and grow anyway.
    We are WINNING either way…as they expand the tyrany.

  17. TO ALL AMERICANS. Take this article with you in November to your voting place as a reminder, besides the presidency, of which body needs to be reformed the most, The Senate. Vote out every RINO and those who are complicent in this un-American bill. If everything goes right, those 22 Senators should retain their seats, if they’re up for reelection, and the rest of those socialist Senators can go straight to the unemployment office. (I would love to find a way to put them on Medicare and food stamps. It would be “social justice” to give them some of their own medicine and show them the world they are trying to create for us).

  18. It’s useless contacting Boxer bitch in Cali, she’s sponsoring this crap. Good luck trying to enforce. From my cold stiff fingers!

  19. The old saying, Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile”, has never fit anyone better than it does for the fascist monopolist Constitution neutering BigBiz BigGov BigBrother self-annointed elite.

  20. There is a fluorishing underground trade in America. In fact you don’t have to worry about any gun regulations there on the street. No concern for barrel length or inconvenient weapons without a full auto switch. Some call it the “black market”. I call it human resources.

  21. Alot of the one’s I thought would vote yay voted nay!!, BUT some that I thought would vote nay voted yay!!!!

    DAMN IT!

    • That dos’nt mean shit. It was just thier turn to say no so they would look good. It will pass.

      • Yep,they know the numbers before they vote and leave a few stragglers to appear legit.

        • Speaking of numbers: don’t WE have THEIRS?

        • Indeed we do.

  22. i love the guy “we can live in a world with no guns”lol ya its called MMA..I dont need a deadly weapon,when i myself is one..good luck taking my brain..

    • “good luck taking my brain”

      You and ALL OF MMA won’t get close to a snipe or a pistol!


    • You ain’t shit compared to my Glock!!

  23. As with EVERYTHING from this FAKE illegitimate government, run by banking mafia families.
    ITS ALL ILLEGAL NULL VOID! Go ahead write made up rules, when the time comes you will know how meaningless they really are to all of us! (the awake that is)

  24. GUNS don’t kill people PEOPLE kill people! How many morons don’t get that simple fact. Next, it will be knives, clubs, scissors or pencils to be banned, oh wait, some dumba$$ teacher tried that already. No pencils! People kill people all the time with their bare hands! What now? No hands? Get some common sense people.

    • What in THE HELL does not paying taxes have to do with gun ownership and travel?!

      Throwing you under the jail wasn’t enough for this group of mad, greedy mobsters, they want your SOUL!!!

  25. First, they pull a fast one and say they’ll take your passport away which tries to take away the RIGHT TO TRAVEL and now they try to take away your RIGHT TO SELF PRESERVATION and PROTECTION!


    I want the rest of Rahm’s finger as a token in memory, for all to see…….

    • The gun control act of 1968 effectively disarmed a huge portion of the population from self preservation even if the crime is 40 years ago and you have been a law abider ever since. It does’nt matter, no 2nd amendment for you,ever. Pardons are only for the rich and connected.
      Every juror should just nullify in the courts and put a stop to all of this. When they arrest someone for thier unconstitutional laws just vote NOT GUILTY.


    • Spoken like a true sheeple loser slave. All that money goes right to the builder burg group.

      • JELOUS

    • Nice little slave. Spoken just like they have trained you!


        • I guess you are new here and young. You will learn the truth hopefully if not you will move on.


        • Finder,

          Get a life, if this is how you like to spend your time pissing people off instead of engaging in a debate to perhaps learn something new. I guess you have to hide behind other names. That says a lot about you.

        • he’d rather be trained than wild. that says it all.

    • Government troll enjoy your FEMA camp! you don’t piss anyone off, we think your pathetically sad willfully ignorant. actually I don’t think your THAT dumb, so you must be a funny guy, just having fun! Pretty funny, funny guy!

  27. @Emmanuel Fuck you! you Nazi gestapo maggot. Take your out of control bullshit and shove it up your fucking ASS. If you don’t like America, GET THE FUCK OUT OF AMERICA EITHER WALKING OR CARRIED. YOU FUCKING PEOPLE AND YOUR NAZI ASS ARE THE PROBLEM!

    • When the dollar collapses or they go martial law, people like this maggot Rahm will be executed.


  29. Have the staff of every Senator and Congressman and Congresswoman read every page of this bill ? I highly doubt it.

  30. We don’t have to live in a World with guns! Click on my name to learn more…

    • You clearly do not understand the true purpose of the Second Amendment.

      The Second Amendment was written to give We The People the power to overthrow our government should it become tyrannical. That is why politicians are so afraid of the Bill of Rights.

      • At least one person gets it right!

      • gives chrisdev01 a roaring round of applause!
        I don’t understand how in the Sam Hill these freaks really believe they can De-Gun all of America. I mean even if they scourched the whole of America, there would be countless thousands of caches of guns ammo undetected and eventually dug up whether on purpose of by accident and the Re-Gunning would begin.
        This is delusional illusional thinking on the part of any De-Gunner’s plans for America.

    • To OneWorld. If that is you in the video, I am disappointed. someone of your advanced years should have developed more wisdom and a more viable world-view. If you were intellectually honest you would know that socialism doesn’t work and before you claim your “system” isn’t socialism, call it anything you want, but socialism and communism are the same. And smarter. more ambitious people than you have tried every “system” possible, with the same conclusion; “man is inherently evil, and doesn’t want peace or to live in a utopia with his neighbor, he wants power upon power upon power (and I think you fit this description). Without Jesus you will die in your sins, blind to what might have been planned for your life.

  31. Its all about getting every State gov’t program under federal control. i havent read it all but pg 888 and a few before talk about transportation agencies needing to meet federal requirements.

    • Better known as Agenda 21.

  32. i’ no expert on the subject but i’m pretty sure this is treason.

  33. ok….. so they can revoke your lisence to conceal carry.


    You can cant take something you dont know about…

    Also, here in tx you can carry a gun in your car with out a permit, it just has to be in the gove box or some place not in the open, it just cant be on your person if you dont have a lisence.. and i dont see that law going anywhere anytime soon. If you ask a cop about gun laws in texas there face lights up with excitement, “we’d love to have yall”. Thats what i got when i first moved here and visited the local police station to check the gun laws.

    Id love to see the second ammendment attacked in tx, it would be civil war.

    • “it just cant be on your person if you dont have a lisence”

      Not true. In Texas the gun can be in your car “on or about your person” without a CHL.

      You cannot leave the car with the gun on your person however.

      To have a gun on or about you person in a car without a CHL, Texas law requires:

      1) You must own or be lawfully using the car
      2) You must be in control of the vehicle
      3) You cannot be a felon
      4) You cannot be a known member of a street gang
      5) The gun must be concealed
      6) You cannot be in the act of committing a crime greater than a Class C misdemeanor (moving violation)

  34. Of course in reality, neither this bill, nor any bill that comes out in the future, will make it impossible for anyone who wants a firearm to purchase as many as they want within a five minute drive of the border to any big city in the country. The only people ever stopped by gun laws are those who will still put law above survival when their lives are at stake.

    Everyone else, who will consider it better to be caught with a gun than without a gun, will obtain them no problema. As will those for whom most laws are written on toilet paper from the outset. More attempts to look busy from a government actually doing nothing to improve anything.

  35. intagrated,if less guns less crimes,why is switzerland have less gun related gun crimes then anywhere else???Most of the homes are armed,not with a club get my drift.There gov. wants every house hold armed.

  36. I like the “Magic Wand” reference to the elites showing up and all of their dastardly deeds are fine and dandy. Here is my new one Rahm Emanuel is your Happy Endings guy. Maybe if somebody out there in videoland could put together a tape of him swinging a pink magic wand like a fairy. The tape would say I am your loving servant Rahm, here is your happy ending.

  37. OK, I’ve read the section of the bill that describes “Special Permits.” The document has nothing to do with the Second Amendment nor firearms. In fact, the language in the bill specifically states that it does not apply to firearms or ammunition, or the transportation of firearms or ammunition.

    Taken in context, the wording, “The Secretary may modify, suspend, or terminate a special permit or approval if the Secretary determines that—(1) the person who was granted the special permit or approval has violated the special permit or approval or the regulations issued under this chapter in a manner that demonstrates that the person is not fit to conduct the activity authorized by the special permit or approval; or (2) the special permit or approval is unsafe.” is specifically describing Special Permits that highway construction firms may need to apply for when building highways. The document describes and the circumstances under which a Special Construcition Permit might be revoked (i.e. safety record).

    While I do not trust my government, and I fully support the 2nd Amendment (I am a Texas CHL instructor), the bill has no “sneak attack on the 2nd Amendment” language.

    Come on Infowars, do your homework before posting inaccurate articles. When you don’t fact-check it hurts your credibility.

    • It doesn’t matter Chrisdev, hiding huge numbers of bills inside another should be thrown out anyway. Each bill needs to be considered by itself so the American people can review it without feeling threatened by such sweeping agendas and having to read 1000s of pages when they are already surfs to the government in one way or another.

    • Cgrisdev01,

      Well said! And while I don’t trust our government anymore, the bill does not authorize the IRS to revoke or terminate a passport, the IRS must request the that the State department revoke the passport. And people who have had their passports revoked are still free to travel within the United States, not to mention that one doesn’t need a passport to drive into Mexico.

      • oh well then GREAT!!! You can go back to sleep, everythings alright.

    • “In fact, the language in the bill specifically states that it does not apply to firearms or ammunition, or the transportation of firearms or ammunition.”


      Yet, you failed to show where the legislation “specifically states that it does not apply to firearms or ammunition”. So how about you do your homework and read the entire bill (it’s standard fare legal trickery for one section to overrule another section), and actually cite the portion of the bill that ‘promises, scout’s honor!’ that the vaguely worded and broadly interpreted status quo in drafting these bills is the exception here.

      • Not that I owe you anything, but text I’m referring to is found on page 1320:

        ‘‘(2) FIREARMS.—This chapter and regulations
        prescribed under this chapter do not prohibit—
        ‘‘(A) or regulate transportation of a firearm (as defined in section 232 of title 18), or
        1 ammunition for a firearm, by an individual for
        2 personal use; or
        3 ‘‘(B) transportation of a firearm or ammunition in commerce.”

        Why don’t you read the bill douch-nozzle? I have.

  38. Would they hurry up and just TRY to do any of this? These people are so afraid of The People. It is why they send 25 cowards dressed in black armour with machine guns to serve a simple warrant on milk and vegetable farmers. They are SCARED of an armed populace. Don’t ever forget that. So if they want to get it on, then rock on, baby.

  39. WE THE PEOPLE, THE REAL GOVERNMENT need something comparable to the MIAC Report, of the top 500 treasonous people in America, So we know who to hang when they’ve undermined and sabotaged America, shredded the constitution bill of rights and betrayed their oath of office with subterfuge.

  40. Ron Paul is the only salve left in the US political medicine cabinet. Apply liberally.
    Search ‘ronpaulitic’ for The Ron Paul Map.

    • Ron Paul is a loser.

      • Pinko is a slimeball


  42. I’ve believed for a long time that this administration and others’ have been trying to chip away at our 2nd Amendement rights only because we the American People are still the Constitutional “Lords of this land” and it prevents these buffoons from declaring themselves King. They know that there’s more armed freedom loving citizens and Constitutionally oriented citizens out there than there are armed drones following them. This administration seems hell bent on pushing us into another revolution regardless of what happens. Never trust a politician. NEVER!

  43. I absolutely HATE that any bill Congress creates, attempts to pass, or actually passes is 1,000′s of pages long!

    It is surely deliberate so that the average person doesn’t have time to read the whole thing and if they do, they’ll need to take a law course just to comprehend the entire thing and figure out what it all means.

    FCUKING SCUMBAGS! Anyone that votes for an incumbent for more than two terms is just part of the problem. Although my preferred choice would be One and Done!

  44. FACT: Less guns = less gun violence. If we all decided, as a People, that we wouldn’t stand for anymore gun violence we could put an end to it today! If it weren’t for gun violence, Trayvon would still be with us today.

    • They only tell you about the incidents of violent crime with handguns.. funny how they never tell you how many lives were SAVED by handguns/guns! WAY more than are killed in violence. FACT: In open carry cities/towns/States open carry = less violence period.

      • That’s right. Only a FOOL would commit a crime – when in the presence of armed, law-abiding citizens.

        As for Trayvon, he could’ve decided to NOT become a GANGSTA and document it with those photos. He shouldn’t have flanked Zimmerman and ambushed him.

        Get a clue, intagrated. Either that or ask G_d for a refund. He gave you a defective brain.

        • Trayvon’s own stupidity got himself killed. If he was not trying to be a thug he would still be alive now. I”m so sick of media portraying him as a sweet little angel that was just going to get a pack of skittles. We the fact is he was just a little punk who got what he deserved for try to bushwhack Zimmerman.

    • Keep drinking the kool-aid. As soon as guns are out of the hands of the people, the government will roll in with complete tyranny. WHY do you think they put in the 2nd amendment? To make sure that the people were just as well armed as the government so it couldn’t be taken over by a dictator and suppress the people into bondage.

      One of the things a tyrannical government MUST do is disarm the population to where they cannot fight back.

    • should your boss ban knives also? lol

    • @intagrated. You need to stop drinking the cool aid, and your head out of your ass. A gun is a tool; just like a knife is a tool. Neither can hurt you or kill you unless wielded by a person with evil intent. What part of “shall not be infringed” do you not understand?

      • i have a lot of guns, they never hurt anyone~

    • @intagreated “Trayvon would still be with us today” You say that like he was a relative of yours. So how often did you hang out with Trayvon? And how do you know he would “still be with us?” Maybe you haven’t realised that every single human being’s days are numbered from the day we are born, and only God knows that number? The story of Trayvon is that he sang in a church choir and it’s actually very possible that Trayvon Martin could’ve been a Christian who recieved salvation at a younger age, but then backslid and fell into the world again, inwhich case God may have taken him home to save him from doing something far worse in the future, and possibly causing other Christians to stumble, or turn someone completely off to God and Christianity, causing them to die in their sins. Only God knows our future and when it comes to Christians, He will sometimes allow them to die if it comes between their body and someone else’s eternal soul.

    • me thinks there is troll shit above me

      • hey! lol

    • Guns do not kill people – people kill people!!!! Wake up!!!!

    • I agree. take the guns out of the hands of those who commit crimes WITH guns and execute them. Period. Problem solved. Gene pool cleaned. Next criminal….

      • Not to change the subject but giving the state the power of life and death over its citizens is a bad idea. Capital punishment has propelled many prosecutors to the state house on the life of innocent persons many times. Never, and I mean NEVER give polititions the power of life or death over us.

    • ———————–WRONG–Noinagrated——–
      ————-RIGHTs TO BEAR AMRs ————–
      —————- ABOUT HIS DEATH —————


    • intagrated, go ahead and post a sign on the front of your home that says, “This is a SAFE house, this is a gun-free home”.

      Now, if everyone disarmed, who would have all the guns? The POLICE STATE.

      Which is bigger, your IQ – or your shoe-size?

      • There’s actually a SIGN that says: This house is armed, but my neighbor next door is NOT!

        • I got a sign shaped like a pistol that says ” we don’t call 911 “.

    • Trayton would still be alive today if he had not pounded Zimmerman’s head into the concrete, hence Zimmerman would be dead

    • FACT: more guns = less violence.

      There’s this thing called “education”, intagrated. You might want to look into getting one.

      • My statement was 100% accurate. Deal with it!

        • —–EAT ME U DUMB BITCH !——
          ——–ITS LIKE THIS !————-
          ——THE TRUTH SUCKS ?———
          ————LIKE YOU !————-
          —SO SUCK ON IT GIRL !

        • It was also 100% retarded.

          Less knives = less knife violence
          Less police = less police violence
          Less babies = less baby violence
          Less bullying victims = less bully violence

    • Everyone needs to start carrying guns, crime would virtually drop to zero, except where Government plotted things like the Manchurian man project and false flag events behind the eyes of the people.

    • There was violence and war long before there were guns.Think about the crusades,and the dark ages,with the inquisition.there were NO guns,but more violence than now.
      Just making something illegal won’t get rid of anything,it just creates a black market,and more criminals.Do you think that those who have guns,illegally,will give them up?NO,they will be more brazen,since they will have the only guns.They don’t want to take our guns,in order to stop violence.They want our guns so they can control us.So they can strip us of the rest of our rights.So If we allow them to take away our rights we will become servants,not citizens.

    • FACT: Guns in the hands of a select few = GENOCIDE

      FACT: Guns in the hands of Everyone = Mindful and Respectful Citizenry

    • integrated you have not clue what you are talking about. The victim of Trayvon is now facing false charges. He would be in a hospital in critical condition or dead if he had not shot him.

      Lets not also point out the only reason we are not enslaved by these banker now is because we have guns. Intagrated you are a clueless douche.

    • Would it make you feel any better if they were thrown outta winows?

  45. We have had information for years from Agenda 21 to Lindsey Williams that they would come after our gun. Even if this bill fails there will be another in its place you have been warned for years. I would ask you to get your mind right and understand they will not stop until they have pass a bill that will disarm us. Alex has been explaining and warning now is the time to make sure you have the proper mind set about the hijacking of our great nation. Start the bubba effect with friends and like minded people stay calm and become a leader pull your community together with like minded people prepare for what is coming train,workout get a survival/combat mind set and prepare for what is coming.

    • Unfortunately, due to the economy, unemployment for over a year and kids moving back into the house, I’ve had to sell all my guns. It SUCKS! I really had no other choice as every other avenue has been exhausted and besides… without ammo (which is really expensive now) a gun is nothing but a very expensive club. GAWD I hate not having what I NEED!

    • Nobody is trying to take away your precious guns. I wish they were, but they’re not.

      • They don’t need to take them,just bankrupt you,so you can’t afford the ammo.What a weasle like tactic.

    • We need to lock and load. March into DC and clean out these scumbags.

  46. We need a new McCarthy.

    These communists are all traitors.

  47. “You can get more with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone.”
    – Al Capone

    click on my name for more about the kind words ………

    • my favorite quotation of all time.

  48. I appreciate the sentiment, however, they may just take you up on your challenge. I hope you have studied the income tax situation, know the exact nature of the tax, and how liability for same is either incurred or not incurred. If you are still using a socialist slavestate number and someone is dropping W-2′s or 1099′s on you, you may very well become the next Gordon Kahl.


  49. Better get out that AT-4.

  50. Not allowing people to travel or own a gun for refusing to pay illegal income taxes is an outrage. I know about Kahl . But I would go and take out the officers before they even got to my place.

  51. my house and car are listed under a foreign corporation and I receive not mail in my name their.

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