Biotech Industry Takes Control of Connecticut

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May 18, 2012

An interview with investigative journalist Curt Linderman Sr.

Connecticut Governor Daniel P. Malloy (D) has illustrated once again the control that Big Ag (particularly Monsanto) has on local, state and federal Governments and the weak and morally twisted officials that reside over them. HB 5117, an Act Concerning Genetically-Engineered Foods (1), had an 85% approval rating in the legislature and a 90% approval rating with the citizens of Connecticut and was essentially a done deal before Governor Malloy spit in the face of his constituents.

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One Response to “Biotech Industry Takes Control of Connecticut”

  1. you’d think, by now, that everyone KNOWS anything monSATAN is evil.
    the govornor oughtta be given the scarecrow treatment, hung from a post.

    they shouldda shot down monSATAN and dared em to try to retaliate.
    if they tried.. “bullying”, “racketeering”, “deliberate-knowing environmental sabotage”,
    “slow kill murder”, “bio-weapon attack”, and everything else it can be called!

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