Bizarre Burglar Sneaks into Woman’s Bed and Strikes Up Conversation… at 5 a.m.

Florida police are looking for a man they say has been creeping into women’s bedrooms for a late night chat.

The burglar has broken into numerous homes in nearby apartment complexes, crawling into residents’ beds and starting up a casual conversation.

Victims say he takes nothing, but the frightened women are worried he might become more brazen as time goes on.

‘He just walked in and laid in bed with me and started talking to me and having a normal conversation with me, like (it was) nothing,’ said one victim to WFTV.

She agreed to speak to the newstation on condition of anonymity.

Victims at several apartments near Semoran Boulevard and Curry Ford Road in Orlando, including the Dovetail Villas and Renaissance Apartments, have come forward.

Earlier this week a 19-year-old pregnant woman was woken up around 5 a.m. by the man groping her.

‘Hi, don’t say nothing,’ he said to her, according to police documents obtained by the Orlando Sentinel.

He was wearing all black attire and didn’t appear to be armed or violent.

‘I couldn’t breathe,’ the woman said to the Orlando Sentinel. ‘I was scared.

The burglar approached the woman while three men were at the residence, including her boyfriend. None of them saw the stranger.

‘He comes into my apartment and talks to me like he’s a friend of mine in the middle of the night at four in the morning. That’s not a normal person,’ said another victim .

‘He had cologne on he had nice dress slacks on. He’s not homeless.’

She said that she asked him to leave and he complied, but the experience was unsettling.

Police have put filers with sketches of the burglar and his description all over the apartment complexes, warning women to stay alert.

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