Bo Xilai’s son committed three driving offences in Porsche

The 24-year-old was rusticated from Oxford and is said to have led a busy
social life. He has denied reports that he drove a Ferrari.

Now studying at Harvard, the Wall Street Journal, citing police records, said
he was driving a black Porsche when he was cited for allegedly going through
stop signs in December 2010 and May 2011 – once at 2:20 am – and for
speeding in February 2011.

The newspaper identified the car as a 2011 Porsche Panamera registered to
someone at his address in Cambridge, Massachusetts, which sells for around

Until recently, Bo has lived in an upscale apartment building in Cambridge
with a full-time concierge and sun deck, the Journal reported, saying an
apartment like his would typically rent for around £2,000 a month.

The son is not accused of any wrongdoing, but he has come under scrutiny since
his father and his mother, Gu Kailai, have been implicated in the biggest
political scandal to hit China in decades.

His partying and allegedly extravagant lifestyle have triggered criticism in a
country where the rich-poor divide is widening. It has also sparked anger
over corruption and perceived impunity among leaders and their children.

In a statement this week to The Harvard Crimson – Harvard’s university
newspaper – the son broke his silence, denying reports he drove a Ferrari
and addressing questions over his expensive overseas education.

“My tuition and living expenses at Harrow School, University of Oxford and
Harvard University were funded exclusively by two sources – scholarships
earned independently, and my mother’s generosity from the savings she earned
from her years as a successful lawyer and writer,” he said.

Mrs Gu is currently under investigation in China for the suspected murder of
Mr Heywood.

Mr Bo, meanwhile, was sacked from his post as boss of Chongqing city last
month and then suspended from the Communist Party’s hugely powerful,
25-member Politburo for “serious discipline violations” – shorthand in China
for corruption

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