Boys as young as 10 having breast surgery on the NHS to remove their ‘moobs’

Leon Watson

04:54 EST, 20 May 2012


04:55 EST, 20 May 2012

The NHS is paying for boys as young as ten to have breast reduction operations remove their ‘moobs’, it was revealed today.

Figures published in The Sun show 17 young boys have had NHS surgery in the last three years.

But experts fear the real number going under the knife is much higher, with many more children having private surgery.

Overweight boy being measured at Carnegie Weight Loss Centre for fat and overweight children Leeds United Kingdom

Overweight boy being measured at Carnegie Weight Loss Centre for fat and overweight children Leeds United Kingdom

The newspaper reported that at least 30 men in their 20s have also had the surgery on the NHS.

Cosmetic surgeons say operations to get rid of man boobs are now the second most popular procedure for men after nose jobs.

Shadow public health minister Diane Abbott said: ‘It is not clear why we are seeing so many boys undergoing male breast reduction surgery. But it must be something to do with this country’s obesity epidemic.

‘The Government’s entire strategy has become an expensive advertising programme for its friends in big business, and it’s just not good enough.’

Research has shown a third of UK children are classed as overweight or obese

Research has shown a third of UK children are classed as overweight or obese

Experts predict six in ten kids will be obese by 2050. And there were fears a new epidemic of liver disease could put half a million youngsters at risk.

The British Liver Trust warned obesity could be the biggest cause of cirrhosis.

Last week it was revealed up to 20 children as young as 15 have had invasive weight-loss surgery on the NHS in the past two years.

The operation which can cost up to £7,000 has generally been considered too risky for children in the UK, driving some desperate parents to seek help abroad.

Butresearch showed with a third of UK children classed as overweight or obese, six health trusts have paid for the treatment.

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts,
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In addition to poor diets and lack of exercise this is also caused by the amount of foodstuffs and household items containing plastics and chemicals together with medicines that are eventually flushed out and end up in our recycled river water. Dont expect any action from our big industry lobbied politicians who dont want to upset their future employers.

What do parents feed these kids to make them so fat!? It’s cheaper to make good fresh wholesome food than stuff them full of rubbish!

Why bother to eat healthily and do some exercise when you can get a free operation to remove your fat instead?

If any of your children have the problem please stop eating chicken. They are giving hormones to chicken so they can be grow quickly is causing boobs in boys. Stop consuming chicken in any kind unless you grow yourself.
– anon, london, 20/5/2012 12:58
******************** If that was true then there would be men with moobs to rival Katie Prices’s mammoth accessories – it would in all likelihood have an enlarging effect on women too and the numbers of people turning to surgery rather than roast chicken doesn’t bear that out.

if they ran to school and back and took part in active sports. it would be a cheaper, healthier option.

The NHS only has limited funds. It really is time they sorted out their priorities.
Unless we all want to pay a lot more in taxes to subsidise the NHS, certain groups of people (those whose lifestyle is to blame) should have to contribute something towards their treatment.

We’re being poisoned pretty much on a daily basis by greedy, rich corporations. The water we drink, the food we eat and the air we breath. Oh and Diane Abbot you’ve really got a handle on this one, NOT.

Hence ‘ Food revolution day’

Eat only home prepared foods. Stay away from processed or convenience foods. Eat heathily, and educate from the earliest age you can about foods and their values.
Exercise as you can within your own limitations and look after yourself. You are only here once – make the very best of every day you have been given 🙂

How embarrassing. Just educate the ignorant parents who are probably mostly overweight themselves to care more about their children’s and then their own health and stop them eating crap!!!

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