“Brandishing a Weapon will Bring a Tense Situation to a Complete Halt” Sheriff Mack

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Friday, April 6, 2012

Aaron Dykes Interviews Sheriff Richard Mack about what will it take to get big government out of our lives.

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10 Responses to ““Brandishing a Weapon will Bring a Tense Situation to a Complete Halt” Sheriff Mack”

  1. Sheriff Mack is a true American!

  2. He will stick your Butt in Pink.

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    April 6th, 2012 at 11:36 am



  3. Wrong Sheriff!

  4. too crazy about the case where a guy shot a warning into the ground..
    they got the burglar for it but they TRIED to take his guns?!!
    the gun grabbers are outrageous.

  5. I was attacked in my vehicle and just grabbed the handle of my pistol in my holster that was wedged between the seats and was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill… I have a CCW and the Florida “Stand your ground” law but the police said let the courts figure it out. $6000 dollars and losing my job later the prosecuter is dropping the charges.

    cptcosmo2001 Reply:
    April 6th, 2012 at 9:33 am

    Then you sue them for wrongful detention, unlawful arrest, and loss of employement.

  6. We need a sheriff like Richard Mack in every county (or parish or borough) in America! Help him get your local sheriff informed and friendly with Mack’s “Constitutional Sheriffs” program. By law, the county sheriff is the chief law enforcement officer in his jurisdiction, and can countermand the federal agents lawfully. Only the sheriff is elected by and accountable to the local people, and we should get that sheriff listening to Richard Mack and other patriotic independent lawmen who are willing to defend us against federal tyrants!

    doomcroaker Reply:
    April 6th, 2012 at 10:39 am


    Amen. Been preaching that sermon for years. Have worked hard several times to get patriots in the sheriff’s office. To no avail. We always seem to lose. Elections are rigged right down to the local level.

    But there are patriotic sheriffs like this one and Arpaio (spell) who fully understand their jurisdiction. Maybe one day one of them will further exercise their legal authority by deputizing every able bodied male and female between the ages of 18 and 65 in their country. Then gather volunteer military veterans….preferably senior enlisted and officer from the combat arms units… to whip them up into an army of sorts just in case they are ever needed them, as they are in Arizona today. Along with a pretty stout sheriff protection unit. Fully legal as far as I know. Looks like Arpaio may need to try a trick like that before he ends up in some kind of unfortunate accident. These Chicago gangsters play rough.

  7. Correction for mack, from checking into it, the black panther, Atleast where I saw, put out the bounty for citizen arrest on Zimmerman, which, well would turn into a death sentence, for any involved. Also though, a citizens arrest requires having seen, or exact evidence of the crime, and therefore, can’t be done in this case by a mere angry and biased mob. Buth the panthers may not be criminal in this request, so to say, though the negligence would lead indeed to a crime. Mack is on point, and a joy to know is out there fighting the fight.

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