Breastfeeding your baby could help you stay slimmer in later life, scientists say

  • Post-menopausal women who breastfed had lower BMI on average

Sophie Borland

06:46 EST, 10 July 2012


18:17 EST, 10 July 2012

Many mothers have long believed that breastfeeding helps them to get their figure back after giving birth.

Now scientists have found  it can help them to stay slim  for decades.

They discovered that women who breastfed their babies even for a few months after the birth were less likely to be obese 30 years later.

New research indicates that breastfeeding may help mothers to avoid obesity later in life

New research indicates that breastfeeding may help mothers to avoid obesity later in life (posed by model)

The Oxford University researchers worked out that for every six months a woman gives her baby breast milk, she loses around 2lb – depending on her initial weight and height.

Although this may not sound much, the academics claim that it could help prevent thousands of deaths from cancer, heart problems and other illnesses related to obesity.

Doctors and midwives are growing increasingly concerned that many women are becoming obese by gaining weight during pregnancy, which they never manage to shift after the birth.

Oxford University researchers worked
out that for every six months a woman gives her baby breast milk, she
loses around 2lb – depending on her initial weight and height

If they go on to have several children, they will become progressively fatter with every pregnancy.

The latest study – involving more than 740,000 women – provides compelling evidence that breastfeeding could help reverse this weight gain, and then help women keep the weight off for good.

Breastfeeding uses up large amounts of energy and experts have previously calculated it burns 500 calories a day – the same as a typical gym session.

Now academics have worked out that for every six months a woman breastfeeds her baby, her body mass index – the measurement of obesity – falls by 1 per cent. An average woman who is 5ft 6ins tall and weighs 11st 1lb would have a BMI measurement of 25, which is classified as overweight.

But if her BMI was to fall by 1 per cent it would be about 24.75 – which is deemed ‘healthy’ – and she would weigh 10st 13lb.

The lead author of the paper, Dr Kirsty Bobrow, from Oxford University, said: ‘We already know breastfeeding is best for babies, and this study adds to a growing body of evidence that the benefits extend to the mother as well – even 30 years after she’s given birth.

Breastfeeding uses up large amounts of energy and experts have previously calculated it burns 500 calories a day, the same as a typical gym session

Breastfeeding uses up large amounts of energy and experts have previously calculated it burns 500 calories a day, the same as a typical gym session

‘Pregnant women should be made aware of these benefits to help them make an informed choice about infant feeding.’ The researchers also point out that breastfeeding may help prevent thousands of deaths related to obesity from cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

Professor Dame Valerie Beral, director of the Cancer Epidemiology Unit at Oxford University, who was also involved in the study, said: ‘Our research suggests that just six months of breastfeeding by UK women could reduce their risk of obesity in later life.

‘A 1 per cent reduction in BMI may seem small, but spread across the population of the UK that could mean about 10,000 fewer premature deaths per decade from obesity-related conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease and some cancers.’

The study, published in the International Journal of Obesity, surveyed 740,600 women whose average age was 57. They had all answered questions about how many children they had and the total number of months they had spent breastfeeding.

The research also found that women were more likely to be obese if they had several children.

This backs up the concerns of health professionals that many gain weight during pregnancy which they don’t lose after the birth of their babies.

According to the latest figures from the Department of Health, almost three quarters of new  mothers start their babies off on breast milk.

This is far higher than the six in ten who breastfed in the 1990s and the rise follows numerous ‘breast is best’ campaigns.

The World Health Organisation recommends that women breastfeed their babies for at least six months but many give up because they find it uncomfortable or are worried that their babies are struggling to get enough milk.[

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts,
or debate this issue live on our message boards.

The comments below have not been moderated.

“My first baby was breast fed only 1 month back in 1994. The second child in 2003 didn’t even get a chance and went straight to bottle. So how does my BMI remain steady at 21 even though I eat pizza and I’m now age 44? No, I don’t exercise.
– Ida Liketunoe, Jacksonville, Florida, 11/7/2012 16:11” Simple, you ate no more calories than you burned, probably reducing your food intake as your metabolism slowed due to age. It doesn’t matter if some of your calories come from pizza, ice cream, etc.

The rreason for this is because you are scared to eat out in case you get kicked out of the restaurant/cafe for feeding your child!!!

Didn’t moms just get though telling us that breastfeeding was all about the kids?

Here’s another stupid survey. Not at all true. I breastfed my baby but I’ve battled with weight gain my whole life since then. I’m sick of experts who roll out this rubbish week in week out, misleading the public at every turn.
First it’s your GENES which determine if you’ll have weight issues. Second it’s the total lack of safety for kids and adults alike to WALK anywhere due to the increasing lawlessness allowed in our country.
Third it’s the food that has been messed about with SO much, genetically altered, stuffed with antibiotics and goodness knows what else that has totally screwed up our metabolisms.
Breast feed because it IS good for your baby, BUT do not expect any health benefits for yourself from doing it.!

My first baby was breast fed only 1 month back in 1994. The second child in 2003 didn’t even get a chance and went straight to bottle. So how does my BMI remain steady at 21 even though I eat pizza and I’m now age 44? No, I don’t exercise.
– Ida Liketunoe, Jacksonville, Florida, 11/07/2012 15:11
Over active thyroid?
Maybe you are ‘skinny fat’ – its not just fat people who get things like diabetes.
Hopefully I’m way off the mark, but you did ask the question 🙂

Is anyone else thirsty?

I loved breastfeeding. They had no juice, they started food at 6 months, in addition to breast. I didnt like to pump, I was always with the baby. I’d only go out in 2 hour increments. It was 4 years out of my life (3 children). I was very slim after them, but then took a job, overnights, I gained 65lbs over last 5 years. I’m now dieting again. It stinks. BUT at leat I know when i’m post menopausal I’ll be slim, if not now anyway. 🙂

Breastfeeding nowadays seems to be all about weightloss for mums. Something wrong with this picture:-/

Bull. Just another breastfeeding “study” that I don’t buy. According to these studies, my kids should be less intelligent and always sick. Completely the opposite. They are both extremely healthy, no allergies, never had an ear infection, never get sick. They are smart, happy, and beautiful and both formula fed. As far as my weight, yes I am overweight and ONLY because I am an emotional eater and I eat too damn much and don’t exercise. No proud of myself and I am going to change. My kids, on the other hand, are both slim.

I’d rather not breastfeed thank you (personal preference), and just eat healthily after having a child.

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