Breivik took stimulants before massacre

According to Moerland, ephedrine boosts both self-confidence and one’s
willingness to take risks.

The effect of the substances was nonetheless limited, the expert said, saying
that if one just looked at the caffeine the amount Breivik had taken was
equivalent to “four to six big cups of moderately strong coffee.”

In the months leading up to the attacks, the 33-year-old extremist also took
anabolic steroids to help build muscle mass.

“In my eyes, there was no additional effect due to the steroids, but I
cannot exclude that they could have contributed to his aggressiveness and
agitation,” Moerland told the court.

Breivik has confessed to the twin attacks but has refused to plead guilty,
insisting they were “cruel but necessary” to stop the ruling
Labour Party’s “multicultural experiment” and the “Muslim
invasion” of Norway and Europe.

While he has been charged with committing acts of terror, the focal point of
his ongoing trial is to determine the question of his sanity.

The ruling of the five judges on that issue, when they hand down their verdict
in July, will determine whether he will be sent to prison or a closed
psychiatric ward.

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