Brian Cox Claims We Are Alone In The Universe

brian cox

Professor Brian Cox says the universe is devoid of any aliens.

All advance civilizations eventually die off and that fate is awaiting humanity.

Cox basis his theory on the Fermi Paradox which questions why humans are yet to make contact with aliens.

He says humans will never make contact with aliens because they are already dead.

Cox, who is an English physicist and a former keyboard player for the bands D:Ream and Dare, says humanity could soon be extinct as science advances more rapidly than political progress.

The Daily Express reports:

In 1950, physicist Enrico Fermi – the creator of the world’s first nuclear reactor – came up with a paradox which says due to the age and size of the universe there is bound to be a civilisation much more advanced than ours, but why haven’t they contacted us?

The solution, many scientists argue, is once a civilisation reaches a certain size, it eventually kills itself off, either through war with advanced weapons or natural disaster.

Mr Cox elaborated on this theory, claiming that it is the reason why we have not seen any strong evidence for extra-terrestrials.

He told the Sunday Times: “One solution to the Fermi paradox is that it is not possible to run a world that has the power to destroy itself and that needs global collaborative solutions to prevent that.

“It may be that the growth of science and engineering inevitably outstrips the development of political expertise, leading to disaster.”

The former keyboard player for the 90’s band D:Ream then warned: “We could be approaching that position.”

However, other scientists disagree with the Fermi Paradox and believe that Earth was the first planet in the entire universe to host complex life, according to a recent study.

The universe has been around for roughly 13.8 billion years and modern-day humans have existed for 200,000 years – just 0.00145 per cent of all time.

While this may lead some to the conclusion we were late to the party, a group of esteemed researchers claim we could actually be well ahead of the curve and that advanced civilisations may not emerge for another trillion years.

Avi Loeb of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and lead author, said: “If you ask, ‘When is life most likely to emerge?’ you might naively say, ‘Now’.

“But we find that the chance of life grows much higher in the distant future.”

The research says that any form of life became possible around 30 million years after the Big Bang, and scientists predict existence will continue to thrive for another 10 trillion years until all the stars in the Universe have extinguished.

Loeb and the team calculated when life is likely to evolve between those two markers and found that the lifespan and size of stars is the most significant factor.

Anything bigger than our sun would be too hot to support life, and anything younger would be too small.

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3 Responses to “Brian Cox Claims We Are Alone In The Universe”

  1. entrance says:

    A nice theory, but i think, the reality is different. There are so many things we do not know yet.

    Brian Cox assumes that all creatures in this universe are like us. But i am pretty sure, that it also can be quite different. Perhaps some intelligent species look like crystals, and such a crystal works like a brain.

    But i agree with him, that Earth´s humanity has a lot of problems, and that these problems could be our end. I think our main problem is human overpopulation. Nice graph:

    This causes a lot of further problems like water and air pollution, global warming, mass extinction of animal species, increasing difficulties to supply water and food, increased emergence of new epidemics and pandemics, destroyed rainforests, elevated crime rate, and so on.

    If we were able to solve this main problem overpopulation, all these mentioned problems would be automatically solved too. Otherwise we will be forced to eat genetically modified food or even “Soylent Green”, and maybe we will soon have the next world war. And you certainly know Einstein’s quote:

    “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”

    I hope, we are able to solve our problems. Maybe in some decades we are capable of travelling to other planets. Probably not yet in 2030 like Elon Musk tries, but maybe already at the end of this century.

    I am ready to help.

    • Awake Goy Humanity says:

      Over population is another Jewish scam.
      Water pollution, air pollution, famine, wars, killer viruses, illnesses, cancer, Homelessness, Terrorism, poverty, organized crime, evil corporations, destroying the planet and its animals..etc. is the fault of the Jew World Order.
      Get rid of the Synagogue of Satan, and all the evil in the world will disappear.

      • TheTruth says:

        I also believe in this scam with the overpopulation.
        You see,the big industrialisation more than 100 years ago led to the rapid growing of the city population-urbanisation.
        I can tell you that after the Western World (Europe out of the Soviet Union,USA and the British Commonwealth) the jewish ruled Soviet union has begun exactly the same thing-huge industrialisation and urbanisation.The jews have killed more than 50 million of people,mostly villagers (to destroy the national distinctive culture of the people,their tradition carriers).Why do you need big cities-it`s more easy to live that way,you are more close to your workplace,hospital,schools,kindergarden and so on.BUT!!!
        It doesn`t have to be this way-you can have industry in little towns and villages spread over the country without the need of overpopulation and convenences.
        HOWEVER-the people in the government won`t be able to control you so easy with cameras everywhere!There won`t be fake created global “minorities” spread around you-whoring,drugdealing,”dindoonuffings”-the criminals and the gangs won`t have places to hide,the people will know each other and this will help with the security.The people in the countryside and little villages/small towns know each other and are more close (they tend to help each other).You don`t have this hostility and alienation like in the big cities.
        Then comes the land-you can farm and live close to the nature-that way you are not dependent on the global corporations for your food.
        “Redneck” is a sort of offence-it`s the same thing in Europe as in the USA.As this makes you something less than the city person-an Orwellian offense,because you are less in the city,you are more dependent.
        Let`s not forget the biggest reason for the big urbanisation-easy control of big masses of people and in the big cities you can`t understand what is the REAL POPULATION!
        You see when you have really big density of population this gives the idea of OVER POPULATION,THIS IS THE IDEA OF THE GLOBALISTS!
        Try to imagine that you have a stadium full of people-this gives the idea of bigger number of people if they are all from the same village,but spread in their homes.
        To be sure that almost all of the people won`t get back to the countryside just take away most of the modern conveniences and brainwash the population with phrases like “redneck” and so on.
        Let`s not forget-the globalists can change the white population with nonwhite easier in the big cities-you don`t have a real idea how many people live with big density of the population,BUT YOU WILL NOTICE EVEN A SINGLE STRANGER IN A VILLAGE OR A SMALL TOWN!
        Do you see the latino/black/arab minorities in USA,Canada?They are all in the big cities!It`s the same in Europe!!!
        The fake “refugees” in Europe are spread also in the cities,almost all of them-because the minorities can do crimes and hide and live the parasitic lifestyle on welfare,the jews can hide them better in the bigger cities.
        Take a look of London-blacks,the whites mostly have went out of the city.The city of Athens is the same-little locals in the capitals,at least in the central parts.
        The jews love to spread the nonwhites in the capitals of the countries of EU first-to hide them better and to have their new minions close to the government structures-these monkeys will be their new guards against the locals in a war-like scenario!!!
        Check Europe-speak with europeans and you will see the same things.

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