Bride Jenny Klochko takes the BUS to get to church in Sutton, south London

Maysa Rawi

06:17 EST, 5 April 2012


08:19 EST, 5 April 2012

A bride in her wedding gown hopped on a BUS to exchange her vows.

Fellow passengers looked on in amazement as Jenny Klochko, 28, took the 407 to Sutton Register Office, south London.

Other brides opt for a Rolls-Royce or a horse drawn carriage to whisk them to the church on time.

Get me to the church on time: Jenny Klochko joined fellow passengers on the 407 to Sutton Register Office

Get me to the church on time: Jenny Klochko joined fellow passengers on the 407 to Sutton Register Office

But Jenny said it was quite usual for women in her native Ukraine to walk to the ceremony or go by public transport.

With two bridesmaids in tow, she flagged down the single-decker in Carshalton Road just before touching her Oyster and travelling to Sutton town centre.

She allowed a good two hours to travel two stops – just in case. She then hopped off, and after stopping for a cup of tea in Manor Park, surprised shoppers by walking through Sutton High Street to the wedding in Worcester Road.

With bridesmaids in tow, Jenny flagged down the single-decker dressed in her bridal gown

With bridesmaids in tow, Jenny flagged down the single-decker dressed in her bridal gown

Jenny Klochko

Jenny Klochko

Jenny said it was quite usual for women in her native Ukraine to walk to the ceremony or go by public transport

Jenny, a freelance journalist who worked for the BBC World Service in Kiev, said: ‘I wanted to do something different on my wedding day, so many weddings are the same these days and a little soulless.

‘In the Ukraine it’s common for a bride to walk through the town on the way to her wedding so those who aren’t invited to the wedding can still see her.

‘We thought this was a way I could do that.’

She said she was keen to have a London theme to her big day, and had looked into getting a white London taxi to the register office. 

But she broke the news to new husband
Ian Mussett, 44, a manager for an insolvency firm the day before the
wedding she would be taking the bus.

He made sure she left a full two hours before the ceremony, as he could not trust public transport.

Mrs Klochko Mussett said the driver asked her if she was serious when she got on the bus.

But she said she was surprised by so little reaction from other passengers.

She said: ‘I think they thought it must be a practical joke. No one even offered me their seat.’

Guests at the wedding got treated to their own bus ride later in the
day, when a privately-hired Routemaster bus took them and the couple,
who met in 2010, to their reception in Wimbledon.

Ian Mussett was told the day before the wedding his new wife would be taking on the bus

Ian Mussett was told the day before the wedding his new wife would be taking on the bus

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts,
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I would have driven her to the church free, all she had to do was ask. It would have been my pleasure.

Perhaps she did not want to take a seat , and wrinkle her gown or get it dirty ?
Wishing them a long and happy life together ~

another burden to the taxpayer ,an internet bride ,how long before she leaves her sugar daddy .

Ugh, ANOTHER old man going with a young woman…

well this is not Ukraine my dear where people have a need to show off their tacky dress
also i wonder what a young ukrainian girl saw in an older not so good looking BRITISH gentleman

Why should anyone offer her a seat, she’s not disabled or pregnant.

Public to the church; probably an ancient custom designed to give failed suitors one last chance, or to rub it in: “Im off the market – you losers.” The best thing to come out of Eastern Europe though really – their women. However, if I were her and by the looks of him, I’d get him to buy some life insurance, soon.

Well if you get on a bus with people holding cameras also standing up, then I can understand people not offering their seat.

blimey he’s done well… shes is very nice!

Why should I offer her a seat? She is an able-bodied woman. Don’t women want equality?

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