Bring out the dead: US troops pose with Afghan body parts

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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

New photos of American soldiers posing with Afghan corpses have emerged in the U.S. The images appear to be another example in a series of extreme breaches of discipline by U.S. troops, which have dangerously undermined their position with the Afghan people. Former Afghan MP Daoud Sultanzoy thinks besides posing a threat to relations between his country and the U.S., this scandal will contribute to NATO leaving behind a grim legacy.

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22 Responses to “Bring out the dead: US troops pose with Afghan body parts”

  1. FEAR propaganda

    it shows how afraid the Elite now are. They know there days are counted . Once the Giant stands up, they better run for there lives. They have murdered too many innocent people and this madness will be ended.

    But do not think of a magic spell that will save us all, for that isn’t going to happen.
    Those who believe in liberty and peace will die in great numbers to ensure liberty for the survivors.Otherwise it is all over for humanity living freely and peacefully. only slaves will be kept alive to serve the devil and his mignions , the trators who are destroying the constitution of America.

    Huggles Reply:
    April 18th, 2012 at 10:30 am

    Americans are rough and immoral by nature. No doubt some of those corpses were raped.

    HIGH BRASS Reply:
    April 18th, 2012 at 12:43 pm

    The only corpes they raped was your mother. They all got VD from that burka whore…

  2. Its always been a common thing to pose with the dead enemy…sick but common

    HIGH BRASS Reply:
    April 18th, 2012 at 10:33 am

    They propped up bodies in the Civil War for pictures. Took pictures of US soldires standing on dead Germans in the trenches in WW-I, only dry place to stand…. WW-II has pictures of dead wemon and children hanging out of the windows of bombed out ruins of whole cities.
    Lots of pictures of proud Vietnam G.I’s showing off their strings of ears on WD-1 wire.

    Never ceases to amaze me how people want other people to go off to war and act like killing machines, but are outraged at the sight of soldiers acting like the animals they have been trained to be. Maybe it’s time we started to focus on the atrocities of the enemy first???
    “”””””””””””””””””””””””Stop paying your taxes, the problem will go away.”””””””””””””””””””””””””

    HIGH BRASS Reply:
    April 18th, 2012 at 10:34 am


    Peace Frog Reply:
    April 18th, 2012 at 12:30 pm

    Exactly HB…vets seem to know this a lot more than civilians do.

  3. HOw can the military not see this? are they that dumbed down? I cannot believe that. but……

    but these stooges are payed by the evil master in the first place. Does not mean all other soldiers would do it?

  4. It’s dumb to get photographed because that’s the evidence they will use against you!

  5. Nothing new compared to our duly-elected goverment ‘officials’ pissing on our Rights here daily…

  6. So these photos are now 2 years old. USMC with SS flags. Mass murder incidents by US army veterans on psychotic drugs and the US Defense secretary scared to meet the Heroes without firstly having their weapons removed.

    Other NATO countries desperate to leave Afghanistan so as not to be tarred with the same depraved brush.

    Now to War Of Terror is accelerating within the homeland of the Empire itself, with the physco’s being recruited as training elements for the Department of Homeland Security and the Transport Sturm Abteilung now making plans to make war (450 Million Hollowpoint .40 ACP, which itself would be against Military Warfare conventions i.e. Hague) on those folks who believe America is better than this.

    a-salty-dog Reply:
    April 18th, 2012 at 10:13 am

    Even more worrying is the units involved, the 81st Airborne (the Presidential Guard) has lost control of discipline. Not surprising considering the latest Secret Service/Whore scandal as the corruption and deceit dribbles down the inside leg of the US Government Administration of the Executive office branch as they make fallacious Executive Orders to hold on to power for the benefit of the Goldman’s, the Sach’s and the Morgan’s.

  7. Yes, this is sick but common. I spent 30 minutes looking through the personal photo album of an acquaintance who is a Vietnam Vet on night when myself and some army friends were sitting around drinking at a party for someone who was leaving to go on a new assignment. This particular fellow had dozens of pictures of Vietnamese body parts posed in odd and humourous ways and with himself hanging out with his deceased victims.. His job apparently had been to place mines around in different locations, and then go back and check later. I remember one picture in particular where he had placed 2 Viet Cong skulls on wall or a log or something and placed 2 conical straw rice-paddy work hats on them. He was in between grinning with his arm around each grinning skull. No fun for anyone over there, but fairly normal for what happens in action areas. After seeing about 3 pages of this stuff, the other several pages quickly became very boring.

    My uncle mailed home a Japanese skull as a war trophy to his uncle during WWII, and it stayed behind glass in his uncle’s china cabinet along with the family’s fine dining china for years.

    My own father told me that he had found a Japanese head lying free of its neck after the Navy had shelled part of an island. He said that he had carried around the head in his backpack for 3 days intending to pull the gold teeth from it so he could salvage the gold. He said he couldn’t get access to pliers right away, so he finally threw the rotting head down in disgust because he had tired of the smell and the flies buzzing around the pack on his back.

    Yeah, stuff happens to enemy bodies that isn’t pleasant or and doesn’t seem “normal” to civilians. These guys are just behaving in a way that is considered normal within the context of the abnormal war setting that they find themselves in. The psychologists would probably say this their way of helping to make sense of a situation that otherwise doesn’t make sense and has rules that are civilian rules turned upside down. This is being seized on by people who have an interest in shutting down the war machine, but it will just victimize the soldiers involved. There will be many other soldiers doing the same, even after the scandal is over. I haven’t looked at the pictures, but this isn’t uncommon and I’m not there, so I’m not going to judge them. I will say that us being there to defend somebody else’s petroleum product pipeline and the dope poppy field is obviously wrong and illegal, and that is what really doesn’t make any sense. We did what we needed to do to the folks in the caves at Tora Bora, and now it’s time to stop pre-empt the pre-emptive lie and shut that war down. Let the petro companies hire their own private security to protect this pipeline–they certainly have the money and siphoning some of it off would probably help neuter their manipulation of governments.

  8. Fuck the troops.

  9. The entire country is a corrupt cesspool of murderous barbarians. Who cares.

  10. And then they come home and become police officers!

  11. Sad but so true and those who may have background issues – like groping small children and stealing tsa has a spot for u !

  12. “Instant gratification” … perfect analogy. Just like the North
    Vietnamese resistance, the Afghani resistance will prevail, as
    they did with the Soviet Union. Plenty of DU to go around for
    both sides of the battlefield.

  13. If the Afghans were really our enemies I could understand this, but to go by our usual accuracy in targeting, some of these people are probably not even soldiers, let alone people who posed a threat. It may be common but that doesn’t mean it isn’t sick.

  14. It makes sense to me…these pictures. Think about it, we have TSA agents groping and stripping 95 year old wheelchair bound WW2 veterans. We have cops who would taser to death woman motorist who simply ask the question “why”, when the cop tells her to get out of the car and spread’im. Why would anyone be surprised to see “reserve soldiers in there 50′s doing a 4th tour in Iraq and Afganistan who thought their reserve duty would entale one weekend per month drilling for a couple of hours so they could earn 300 more bucks a month.”

  15. Its not so funny when it’s your brother or sisters corpse they’re disgracing. Just remember fools…these assholes are coming home to your neighborhoods. Maybe when one of them loses his shit and starts shooting up your work place or neighborhood, he’ll pose with your dead corpse too. That’ll still be okay right? I mean, it seems to be the cool hip thing to do when you’re killing innocent people in an illegal war in a country we have no business in.
    Only in America!!

  16. The WH is ‘disappointed’ that these were released, likely because they will say it may put the troops in more danger. That’s likely, and it won’t be more danger than the dishonored bodies experienced. The press making conscious decisions to be accountable and these kinds of photos are what ended the Viet Nam war. War is ugly.

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