British ambassador says Pakistan is ‘world leader’ in visa application fraud

The government of Pakistan hit back saying it will sue for defamation and
accusing the newspaper of being part of an international conspiracy against
the country.

With more than one million people of Pakistani origin living in Britain,
questions about visa processing, restrictions and delays are a constant
feature of news conferences involving British officials.

Mr Thomson was peppered with questions about visas even as he kept trying to
steer questioners back to the Olympics.

In the end he offered the brutal truth that fraud and forgery were “very
strong” industries in Pakistan, before recovering to add that fraudulent
documents made for a fraction of the 150,000 applications submitted each
year and that Britain was satisfied with local visa controls.

That was not enough to keep his negative comments from the front pages or from
Geo News, the country’s most influential TV station.

Javed Siddiq, Islamabad editor of the Nawa-e-Waqt newspaper, said Pakistan was
used to being criticised by America but not by such a close ally.

“I think this will upset many people, particularly when UK-Pakistan relations
are so strong,” he said.

“The visa issue has been bubbling all week and the government and business
people will be frustrated and disappointed that he could say something like
this.” No government spokesman was available for comment last night.

One official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said: “This puts the
government on a bit of a sticky wicket. It is one thing to threaten to sue
The Sun for defaming Pakistan, quite another to act against the British High

A spokeswoman for the British High Commission said the two countries were
working closely to tackle the problem of fiddled applications.

“The High Commissioner raised the incidence of visa abuse stemming from
Pakistan, explaining that it was among the highest in the world, although
passport and visa forgeries exist in all countries,” she said.

“He also warned Pakistanis against using untrustworthy visa agents, who
encourage false applications.”

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