Nest Thermostat Now Sold at Apple Store

© Nest Labs

Proof that the Nest Learning Thermostat is officially the rock star of smart thermostats, the device is now being sold in the Apple Store. Shoppers looking for an iPhone, iPad or MacBook can now pick up the thermostat that learns your heating and cooling preferences at the same time.

Nest was able to attain this coveted retail spot because of its Apple roots. The co-founders of Nest Labs, Tony Fadell and Matt Rogers, are former executives at Apple that were at the heart of the development of the iPod and iPhone — experience that clearly shows in the sleek, minimalist design of the Nest thermostat.

If you’re unfamiliar with the Nest, this video gives a good overview of how it works:

The Nest also has an energy-saving feature called Airwave that shuts off your A/C as it nears your desired temperature and runs the fan, circulating the cool air that’s passed over the compressor throughout your home to extend the amount of cool air your home gets with a smaller amount of energy. All of your home’s heating and cooling energy use information can be accessed through mobile apps and the website and you can control all of your settings remotely, too.

The Nest is being sold for $249.95 on the Apple Store site as well as in physical Apple stores. That’s $0.95 more than you’ll pay through Nest’s website for some reason.

Seeing the Nest potentially turn into a must-have gadget is something I can get behind. It’s a device that you won’t have the temptation to upgrade to a new version of every year, especially since the company has already shown a commitment to consistent software updates. And the use of this gadget will actually help you to save energy and reduce your footprint, something that many gadgets, even “green” ones, can’t claim.

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