British police accused of racial abuse

The policeman was suspended as he called the man a nigger. “The problem with you is you will always be a nigger, yeah? That’s your problem, yeah,” the recording showed the policeman as saying.

The 21-year-old was stopped in his car by police officers, arrested and then placed in a police car the day after last August unrest that spread across England after the police shot a young black man Mark Duggan in Tottenham.

The black man from Beckton in east London stressed that he was made to feel like “an animal” by the officers. He also accused a police officer of kneeling on his chest and strangling him.

The recording also showed that the officer, identified as PC Alex MacFarlane, subjected the man to racist insults, saying, “You’ll always have black skin. Don’t hide behind your colour.”

The Independent Police Complaints Commission passed the complaint to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) following the claims that three officers, including MacFarlane, were involved in the criminal offence.

The CPS initially decided not to charge the officers but right after the man’s lawyers complained, it admitted that they would review the case again.

Grace Ononiwu, deputy chief crown prosecutor for the CPS London, said, “Lawyers for the complainant have written to the CPS and asked us to review our decision.

“I have considered the matter personally and directed that all of the evidence should be reconsidered and a fresh decision taken by a senior lawyer with no previous involvement in this matter.”


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