British summer camp instructor drowns in lake after going for a swim during party

Alexandra Williams

19:23 EST, 1 July 2012


19:23 EST, 1 July 2012

A young British summer camp instructor has drowned in a lake in France.

Nathan Thackwray, 20, from Leeds, is believed to have gone for a swim during a party early on Saturday.

Relatives arrived in France yesterday to formally identify his body.

Tragic: Lake Ardres near Calais, France, where sports instuctor Nathan Thackwray drowned

Tragic: Lake Ardres near Calais, France, where sports instuctor Nathan Thackwray drowned

A water sports instructor, he was with 21 colleagues from the British adventure tour operator Acorn, at Lake Ardres, near Calais.

They were on a night off after the departure of a group of children before welcoming new visitors yesterday. 

Two of his friends tried to rescue him using a pedalo boat. Unable to find him, his friends alerted police at 2.40am.

A helicopter equipped with a thermal imaging camera flew over the lake but it was unable to locate him.

His body was recovered by police divers the next morning.

He had been due to work at the adventure camp until August 26 teaching water sports.

Support: The Foreign Office have provided consular assistance in France following the instructor's death

Support: The Foreign Office have provided consular assistance in France following the instructor’s death

A group of 93 British schoolchildren was due to arrive at the camp on Sunday.

The Ardres centre is positioned on the lake and the firm’s website describes it as a ‘large tranquil lake’.

A spokeswoman fro Acorn said: ‘We are unable to make any comment at the moment.’

Ardres is a market town 25 minutes’ drive from the port of Calais.

Acorn is a tour operator specialising in school and youth trips. It was established in 1982. The firm has adventure camps in the UK, France, Italy and Spain.

An autopsy is to be carried out to determine the exact cause of death.

A spokeswoman for the Foreign Office said: ‘We are aware of the death of a British national in France on June 30 and we are providing consular assistance.’

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