British women think about fashion 91 times per day and a total of 30 days per year (that’s even more than men think about sex!)

Stephanie Hirschmiller

08:36 EST, 7 June 2012


09:34 EST, 7 June 2012

The old adage that men think about sex every six seconds was officially refuted last year by research reported in the Journal of Sex Research.

It concluded that the average man thinks about sex around 20 times a day with the average woman thinking about it only half as often.

However, it turns out that we think about fashion way more: nine times more in fact at a staggering 91 times a day – that’s once every 11 minutes and 23 seconds!

Fashion focus: British women think about fashion 91 times a day and a total of 30 days a year

Fashion focus: British women think about fashion 91 times a day and a total of 30 days a year

Comments fashion expert Mark Heyes, ‘It sounds like a heck of a lot but when you look at it logically, the figure makes sense. Compared to 15 or 20 years ago, fashion is so engrained in our culture nowadays – it’s all around us and is rarely more than a glance away, from billboards to magazines, to TV and the internet, not to mention the rise of celebrity and reality culture.

‘What’s more,’ he continues, ‘thinking about fashion more often means we’re likely to dress better – and in my eyes that’s a good thing!’

The findings come from a poll by Online retailer, which surveyed 1000 British women between 18 and 25.

Respondents were asked to count every time they turned their attention to clothes and accessories from perusing online fashion retail sites to daydreaming, real life window shopping and even clocking the outfits of others out and about.

The survey also found that the total amount of time spent contemplating fashion on any given day is one hour and 19 minutes. That’s 30 days spent every year.

Over ten per cent of respondents admitted they thought about fashion more than anything else on a daily basis – including friends, family and work.

Contrary to expectation, perhaps, it is not shoes and bags that play on our minds the most, 38 per cent of the time, it’s actually dresses.

Nearly one third of those questioned admitted to taking over six separate peeks at online fashion sites in an average day while 62 per cent claimed to regularly drift off at work and get caught up in fashion daydreams.

The survey also notes a geographical divide as the the frequency of the nation’s fashion thoughts. Birmingham women top the chart thinking about fashion a massive 117 times per day.

That’s nine more times than Londoners and 53 times more than those living in Cardiff who obviously have other things on their minds.

Explains Rebecca Elderfield, Style Director, ‘for many young women fashion is so much more than a casual hobby or mild interest – it’s a way of life, and the results of the survey confirm that’.

THE GREAT REGIONAL FASHION DIVIDE: The number of times women think about fashion every day depends on where they live

Fashion on the brain: The people of Birmingham think about fashion more than any other region: 117 times a day

Fashion on the brain: The people of Birmingham think about fashion more than any other region: 117 times a day

1 Birmingham: 117 fashion thoughts

2 London: 108 fashion thoughts

3 Liverpool: 90 fashion thoughts

=4 Leeds – 87 fashion thoughts

=4 Norwich – 87 fashion thoughts

5 Newcastle – 84 fashion thoughts

6 Brentwood – 82 fashion thoughts

7 Bristol – 80 fashion thoughts

8 Glasgow – 75 fashion thoughts

9 Cardiff – 64 fashion thoughts

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts,
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Well from the 13 red arrows I’ve got (so far) for my previous comment, there are at least 13 women in the UK who must have known I was talking about them (and the truths hurts)…lol!

I love British fashion. We’re the envy of the world. But I have different priorities thank you DM!

From the looks of them, methinks women think about food much more often. Does fixing a loose thread or zipping a fly count as “thinking about fashion”? Groan.

my wife just said “do we think about kittens the rest of the time?”

Well, considering I’m a young man of 24 and I don’t think “think about sex x-amount of times a day” as the media says, I think it’s safe to say this is a load of rubbish.

Better rephrase that to some. Most of us women have a life.

I never think about fashion and I loath shopping. This gives me much more time to think about sex.

No I don’t.

Hey! ….I think about sex 600 times a second

Most British men don’t think about fashion 91 times in a life time. As for British women, if they think about fashion 91 times a day why are the majority of British women so badly dressed? As far as I can tell British women understand fashion, but have toraaly missed the plot when it comes to style.

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