Bulgaria suicide attack: bomber shown in CCTV footage

Ghezali, 33, briefly studied in Britain under Omar Bakri Muhammad, the
extremist Islamist preacher, and spent two years in Guantánamo Bay accused
of links to al-Qaeda.

However, Mark Vadasz, head of communications at Swedish intelligence agency
SAPO, later said the reports were mistaken.

“I can confirm that it’s not Mehdi Ghezali. I can’t go into any more
details of the subject. I can’t comment on that person, but we’re focusing
on this case, and we can confirm that it’s not him.” British and US
intelligence sources said they were still investigating the reports.

The suicide bomber, in his mid-30s, assumed the cover of an archetypal
American tourist, his face masked by sunglasses and the peak of a baseball,
as he blended into the crowd with his blue adidas T-shirt, plaid Bermuda
shorts and trainers with short white socks.

Indistinguishable from other tourists travelling to the nearby Sunny Beach
resort on Bulgaria’s popular Black Sea coast, he carried a large backpack
with wheels that contained a bomb that he would explode minutes later after
boarding a coach carrying Israelis.

Bearing a fake Michigan driver’s license, with a Baton Rouge address, the
suicide bomber, described as “a Caucasian” is believed to have
travelled to Bulgaria from another EU country within the last week.

“He looked like anyone else – a normal person with Bermuda shorts and a
backpack,” said Mr Tsvetanov. “We cannot exclude the possibility
that he had logistical support on Bulgarian territory.”

Last night, Bulgarian, FBI and Israeli terrorism investigators were working to
establish the bomber’s identity from his DNA and fingerprints amid fears
that the bombing is the beginning of a new European terror campaign at the
height of the tourist season.

According to one Bulgarian television report, Mossad, the Israeli secret
service has taken charge of the dismembered bomber’s head in a race against
the clock to identify him.

Mark Regev, the Israeli government spokesman linked the attack to an arrest in
Cyprus earlier this month of a 24-year old Lebanese man on suspicion of
plotting an attack on Israeli tourists there with the Bulgaria bombing.

“The suspect who was arrested in Cyprus, in his interrogation, revealed
an operational plan that is almost identical to what happened in Bulgaria.
He is from Hizbollah,” he said.

“This is a further indication of Hizbollah and Iran’s direct

The Cypriot police announced last night that the island is beefing up security
to protect tens of thousands of Israeli tourists and residents.

“Cyprus has taken additional measures at various places where there are
Israeli interests in the light of the attack in Bulgaria,” said Andreas
Angelides, the spokesman for the Cypriot police.

Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s Prime Minister, last night formally accused
Hizbollah, described as “Iran’s leading terrorist proxy,” of
carrying out the attack and signalled that retaliatory action would follow.

“We will continue to chase after the attackers and extract a heavy price,”
he said.

Iran has responded by condemning “all terrorist acts in the world”. “The
Islamic republic, the biggest victim of terrorism, believes terrorism
endangers the lives of innocents is inhumane and so strongly condemns it,”
said Ramin Mehmanparast, an Iranian foreign ministry spokesman.

The Bulgarian suicide bomber targeted Israelis who had just arrived on a
charter flight from Tel Aviv carrying 154 people, including eight children.

The tourists had arrived in Bulgaria on a charter flight from Israel and were
on the bus in the airport car park when the blast tore through the vehicle. “It
felt like an earthquake and then I saw flying pieces of meat,” said
Georgi Stoev, an airport official. “It was horrible.”

Moshe Moseri, an Israeli survivor of the attack, told the Walla news website
that in the aftermath of the bomb there were “corpses on the floor with
their arms and legs severed”.

“I would have lost my life in a split second, had I not jumped out of the
bus window,” he said.

Bulgarian medical officials said two critically injured Israeli tourists are
being treated in hospitals in the country’s capital Sofia.

One woman was in intensive care with head and chest injuries and a man was in
a critical state with burns covering 55 per cent of his body.

More than 30 Israelis who were wounded in the attack arrived back in Tel Aviv
after being flown home by the Israeli air force on Thursday afternoon.

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