Bullfinch Update: Gagging Order Blocks Reporting

The Oxford Mail and The Oxford Times has been gagged from reporting details of a hearing involving an Oxford businessman which took place in a neighbouring court room.

The hearing was held at High Wycombe Magistrates’ Court at the same time as the six men accused of being part of the alleged child prostitution ring.

The Oxford Mail believes the hearing is linked to the Operation Bullfinch investigation but the man at the centre of it – who is in his mid-30s – is not one of the six charged.

District judge Andrew Vickers prevented details of the hearing being reported unless the man is charged and appears at court.

He passed rulings under the Contempt of Court Act to stop any publication and to prevent the man’s name and address being revealed in connection with the hearing.

This came after it was argued by police that any press report could hamper their investigation.

But the judge then took the unusual step of holding the hearing in camera – which means press and public are excluded – forcing our reporter to leave the courtroom.

He ruled the investigation could be jeopardised if the hearing was not held behind closed doors.

And in the hearing of the six men accused of being part of the alleged child prostitution ring, the names of the young girls alleged as victims were also not disclosed in open court.

Instead prosecutor Clare Tucker had the full charges list only the initials of the girls, saying it was a bid to protect the investigation.

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