Bus veers off road, kills 14 in NE China

Local authorities said that the bus driver lost control, causing the vehicle to fall into the gorge near the coastal city of Dalian, situated 440 kilometers (274 miles) east of the capital Beijing, at 5:22 p.m. local time (0922 GMT) on Saturday, Xinhua reported.

They added that 25 passengers were aboard when the accident happened. An investigation is underway into the cause.

China’s roads have been billed as the most dangerous in the world, with traffic accidents leading to tens of thousands of deaths annually.

In 2009, almost 70,000 people died in road accidents in the country — nearly 190 fatalities a day — according to official police statistics.

A study in 2008 found that the fatalities from road accidents had nearly doubled in China over the past two decades and were likely to surge further as more and more Chinese sought car ownership.


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