C-list actress asks Obama to fire the cop who arrested her

C-list actress Amanda Bynes, who you may know from the 90′s Nickelodeon show “All That,” and such fine films as “She’s The Man” and “What a Girl Wants,” was arrested in April for driving under the influence.

Bynes was officially charged Tuesday with a DUI, the Hollywood Reporter wrote, and now she has enlisted President Obama to help her get out of her messy situation.

After her hearing, Bynes tweeted: “Hey @BarackObama…I don’t drink. Please fire the cop who arrested me. I also don’t hit and run. The end.” Forget the economy and the upcoming election; surely the president and his staff are right on this pressing matter.

According to police reports, Bynes sideswiped a police car at 3 a.m. on April 6 in West Hollywood — a favorite neighborhood for handing out celebrity DUIs — and the actress refused a Breathalyzer test.

After that incident, Bynes has reportedly backed into a curb while texting on her phone, and sideswiped yet another vehicle  in the weeks following her arrest.

Amanda: Get ready to hand over your driver’s license and pose for a California identification card, preferably with your thumb pointed at your chest while you yell, “Thaaaaat’s ME!”

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