Cannes filmfest invites Iranian director

Alidi was selected for his feature-length movie A Cemetery Which Breeds Grapes Every Morning along with nine other young directors from various parts of the world.

The 100-minute screen production depicts a restaurant strategically located on a hill on the border of three countries that have stopped wars and made peace.

Alidi has been awarded at numerous international festivals for his movie Whisper with the Wind including the special jury award of Brazil’s 6th Amazonas Film Festival, the student jury prize of the 20th Festival International du film d’Histoire de Pessac in France and the Mumbai Young Critics jury award of the 11th Mumbai Film Festival.

He has also been awarded at Norway’s 2010 Tromso International Film Festival and the 2009 International Film Festival Bratislava.

Born in 1971, Alidi is from the Iranian New Wave generation of filmmakers. He is also a film producer, painter, illustrator, and graphic designer.

To support talented new filmmakers, Cinémas du Monde Pavilion annually invites the directors and their producers to attend the program. The 2012 Cinémas Du Monde Pavilion is scheduled to be held from May 18 to 25.


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