Casino admits leaking email, text messages

The owners of Sydney’s The Star casino have admitted leaking emails and text messages sent between the NSW premier’s communications director and one of its former human resources executives.

Echo Entertainment Group said it gave details of the messages to The Australian and The Daily Telegraph newspapers.

The admission comes as the Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority continues its inquiry into events that led to the sacking of the casino’s managing director, Sid Vaikunta.

Mr Vaikunta was sacked in February after allegations of sexual harassment.

The gaming authority will begin public hearings as part of the inquiry in Sydney on Monday.

News Ltd reported on March 2 that it had obtained messages sent between Peter Grimshaw and the human resources manager, which referred to Mr Vaikunta as “Mr Nasty”.

The messages also appeared to express hopes that he may be sacked.

Mr Grimshaw, a former Star casino executive, was stood down by Premier Barry O’Farrell in March.

Echo Entertainment, which previously denied leaking any messages, said it wanted to “correct the record” ahead of Monday’s hearings.

“Echo Entertainment Group today confirmed it had provided details of company emails and text messages between the New South Wales Premier’s Communications Director Peter Grimshaw, and a former human resources manager at The Star Casino, to the Australian and the Daily Telegraph newspapers,” its statement said.

“This disclosure followed a sustained media campaign being waged against The Star.

“Echo Entertainment Group believed it was important to make available this information to protect the company’s business interests.”

Echo said it also wanted to “correct the record” ahead of the public hearings.

Copies of all the messages had been provided to the inquiry, it said.

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