Chen Guangcheng arrives to new life in the US

He thanked the American diplomats who spirited him into the embassy in April
but added: “I am gratified the Chinese government dealt with the situation
with restraint and calm.”

Speaking through an interpreter, he said he believed the Chinese government’s
promise to let him leave in peace was “sincere”.

However, his supporters in China remain deeply concerned for the welfare of
several of his relatives, including his nephew Chen Kegui, who has been
charged with intentional homicide.

After weeks of delays, the Chinese government moved so swiftly to get Mr Chen
out of the country that he did not know his destination until shortly before
he boarded United Airlines flight 88 from Beijing on Saturday afternoon. His
family was only issued with their passports as they arrived at the airport.

Thirteen hours later a crowd of reporters and supporters waited at Newark for
him to emerge. Among them Wang Xuezhan, a young human rights activist who
has campaigned on Mr Chen’s behalf, who waited with a large Snoopy stuffed
toy but left when she realised he was not coming through arrivals.

The self-taught legal activist, who campaigned against forced abortions under
China’s one-child policy, had been held under house arrest for almost 20
months, before he escaped on April 22 and made his way to Beijing where he
sought refuge in the US embassy for six days.

After being taken to the Chaoyang Hospital for medical treatment, Mr Chen
pleaded for help from the then visiting US Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton and made two dramatic calls to a US congressional hearing in
Washington expressing his desire to leave China.

His status as one of China’s most high-profile dissidents means Beijing is
thought to have been keen for him to leave, with the authorities regarding
him as likely to be less of a threat in the US than in his home country.

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