China ‘collecting Dalai Lama blood samples’

Earlier this month the Dalai Lama told The Sunday Telegraph that he had been
informed of a plot to assassinate him, using Tibetan women posing as
devotees seeking his blessing.

In the interview, the Dalai Lama said he was told the Tibetan women would be
wearing poisonous scarves and have poisonous hair.

“They were supposed to seek blessing from me, and my hand touch,” he said. But
he added that there was “no possibility to cross-check, so I don’t know”.

China reacted angrily, with a foreign ministry spokesperson accusing him of
“spreading false information, deceiving the world and confusing the public”.

Beijing routinely accuses the Dalai Lama of seeking to split Tibet from the
rest of China – a claim the Nobel Peace Prize laureate denies, saying he
only seeks greater autonomy for the Himalayan region.

Many Tibetans in China complain of political and religious persecution under
Chinese rule – which Beijing denies – and this resentment has been blamed
for a spate of self-immolations in Tibetan-inhabited areas since last year.

Source: AFP

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