Christians Rally in Detroit to Protest Obama Administration’s Contraception Mandate

More than 1,000 people at a rally in downtown Detroit on Friday amplified their opposition to the Obama administration’s contraception mandate, saying it attacks religious beliefs and encourages sexual promiscuity.

The heavily Catholic- and Christian-influenced Stand Up for Religious Freedom rally, one of 160 across the nation and nine in Michigan, was held to protest the Health and Human Services policy that forces even religious-based institutions such as hospitals and universities to provide birth-control coverage in health care plans.

“This mandate is not about women’s access to contraception, it is about denying the rights of men and women to live and act according to their conscience,” said professor Mary Healy of Sacred Heart Major Seminary. “It’s about promoting an agenda that contributes to the comodification of women and the undermining of marriage and the family.

“Are we going to stand for that?”

“No,” the crowd yelled.

Speakers and attendees said they worry the government could further encroach on religious freedom.

“Our religious liberty is being threatened, and it’s not just Catholics, it’s all Christians,” audience member Edward Arndt said.

Speaker Stacy Swimp, president of the Frederick Douglas Society, said the mandate is part of “the nefarious agenda of Planned Parenthood.”

Several of the approximately 10 speakers referenced how contraception promotes a sexually permissive lifestyle.

“Let’s use the sexualness of our bodies for procreation and the raising of children in marriage, not for recreation,” said the Rev. Michael Byrnes, a Catholic bishop.

Byrnes replaced Archbishop Allen Vigneron, who was attending the Ira Township funeral for his father, Elwin.

Healy took a swipe at Democratic U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, whom she said touted expensive birth control – which Healy called “gourmet contraceptives” – that could be replaced with cheaper ones.

Sandra Sebastian attended the rally with her mother, Irene Pastuszka, and two of her four sons although she resides near the Livonia rally.

“I wanted to come and support Detroit, and I wanted to hear the speakers,” she said. “I knew there would be a bishop speaking. I’m glad I came because the people are vibrant and there’s so much energy.”

As a health insurance holder, she said she pays a higher premium to fund contraceptives.

“I oppose it (the mandate) because as a Catholic, they’re asking me to pay for something I don’t believe in,” she said.

Many in the crowd wielded printer-produced signs promoting opposition to the “HHS mandate” and support for “religious freedom.”

Karen Fox of Oxford Township and her daughter, Kaitlyn, 11, and friend, Jean Wagner, made their own signs. One said, “I support Nuns and Bishops working together.”

“I want to support my church and my faith,” Karen Fox said. “I oppose the mandate because once you give the government an inch, they will take a mile.”

Fox and Sebastian railed against the use of contraceptive, saying they harm women’s health. “We are persuaded to take these things (prescription drugs) that don’t serve us in the end,” Fox said.

The rally featured dozens of members of Crusaders for Life, a pro-life organization for young people started in Michigan a year ago by Bobby Smith, 16, of Sterling Heights.

The group carried a more than 100-foot rosary of rope that held about 100 yellow balloons, “Hail Mary” beads, and a handful of purple balloons – “Our Father” beads – that was released to the skies.

Smith, a member of St. Cyril and Methodius Slovak Catholic Church in Sterling Heights, said he followed the example of his uncle, Chad McCoy, who formed a similar group in Chicago. The group has flourished, he said, conducting monthly meetings and attending events.

“Everyone saw how joyful we are and they want to be a part of it,” he said. “I want to make a difference. I want to support the pro-life message that life is precious from conception.”

The group brought the “lifeboat,” a wooden 12-foot vessel on wheels that displays a “LIFE” flag.

A dozen of them teamed to raise the heavy faux watercraft, and at one point gave a short ride to Bishop Byrnes.

“It’s awesome, and not uncommon to see this (at events),” Byrnes said of the enthusiastic youths. “They’re clearly on the side of life.”

At the end of the rally, the group performed several chants, including, “We love babies, yes we do. We love babies, how about you?”

“It’s good to see this, and I hope they keep their faith,” said Arndt, 60, of Westland, as he watched the young people chant and clap.

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