Church leaders scaremongering: Greens

The Greens have accused church leaders of blatant scaremongering after congregations across Sydney were warned against same-sex marriage.

Top Anglican and Catholic clergy have penned statements to be read out or distributed at Sunday services, warning a change to the Marriage Act allowing gay or lesbian couples to wed would be inconsistent with religious teachings.

The Greek Orthodox Church wrote a similar statement in May that is expected to be read out this weekend.

“It’s sad that in churches this morning they will only be presented with one view,” Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young told reporters on Sunday.

“Frankly, it’s scaremongering at its most blatant.”

Federal parliament will debate marriage reforms next week, after a parliamentary inquiry into legalising same-sex marriage reports on Monday.

“The legislation before parliament won’t force church groups to marry anyone they don’t want to,” said Senator Hanson-Young.

Australian Marriage Equality national convenor Alex Greenwich appealed to the church leaders for respect, saying same-sex marriage wouldn’t impinge on heterosexual rights.

“I’d like to send a message to the priests and parishioners that we come in peace, and we share your respect for the institution of marriage and … for freedom of religion,” he told reporters in Sydney.

“We can strengthen marriage in a way that doesn’t deny same-sex couples the right to marry.”

Mr Greenwich, who joined Senator Hanson-Young for the launch of a new video backing the marriage reforms, says support for same-sex marriage within the Labor and coalition ranks is growing.

“We know we are at a tipping point and we have growing parliamentary support,” he said.

Reverend Mike Hercock urged Christians attending Sunday services to make up their own minds.

“The enemy here is ignorance, and that is what the Australian Christian lobby is relying upon,” he told reporters after the video’s launch.

“You can be a good Christian … and support marriage equality.

“[The law] will have no effect on, or inside the churches and the constant projection by the Australian Christian lobby that it will … is really very fear-based,” he said.

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