Claire’s Story : Forced Child Vaccinations In Ireland


Open letter to the media,

My name is Claire O’ Sullivan from Waterford in Ireland. I’d like to make a statement.

I have a 5 year old son. I am currently hiding away with my son to protect him from the authorities (HSE, Gardaí, courts etc.) because of the, illegal, unlawful, uncaring and heavy handed  way I have been dealt with by the authorities, which has all stemmed from me not consenting to the school age vaccinations (MMR {measles, mumps rubella}, tetra vac 4in1 {polio, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus}). I do have genuine concerns about these vaccinations, following my own research and listening to the views of many others including medical professionals who have shared some of these concerns with me, for example about the possible links with autism, for which there is now credible evidence and the long term effects on children’s immune systems. A good place for most people to start, would be to ask the HSE or GP for the insert leaflet that comes with the box that the vaccination is contained with and taking the simple step of looking at the ingredients and what the medical officials call side effects, which are quite simply possible serious effects. This is just one place to start with research.

These vaccinations are NOT  mandatory in the republic of Ireland. All parents are given a consent form to sign in a consent or “I do not consent section”. I chose not to consent, I feel that I am acting in the best interests of my child and my decision is to protect him. I have every right to make this decision as the primary carer, natural mother, sole custodian and legal guardian of my son. However, my son’s father (who is not a custodian, but a legal guardian, (ex-partner), has consented to both vaccinations and has pushed for them to be administered. His motives for which I believe are more for argument sake with me and not for the best interests/protection of our son (which many will believe) .this may become clearer as I explain further what has happened so far.

So when the vaccinations were due to be carried out first of all, there was some communication between myself, HSE and my son’s father re; me not consenting to the vaccinations. There was minimal communication between his father and I (the father’s choice) as he was not willing to discuss the matter in full with me with an open mind, willing to consider all aspects surrounding the vaccinations e.g. Documents released, evidence, studies from other parties (outside of the HSE), vaccine ingredients etc. He was insisting to go ahead with it because it was what HE felt was best and because the HSE and my son’s GP had recommended for the vaccines to be administered, he felt he didn’t have to look into it further.

Read more: Claire’s Story, Open letter to the media

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