Communists demand govt dismissal, praise Stalin’s staff policy

Participants dressed as white bears saw an oversized replica of a one Russian rouble coin as they stage a performance during a rally near the White House (R), the headquarters of the federal government, in Moscow, December 22, 2014. (Reuters/Sergei Karpukhin)

Participants dressed as white bears saw an oversized replica of a one Russian rouble coin as they stage a performance during a rally near the White House (R), the headquarters of the federal government, in Moscow, December 22, 2014. (Reuters/Sergei Karpukhin)

Russia’s major opposition party – the Communists – held a rally in Moscow demanding President Putin sacks the government over the recent ruble crash and the ‘catastrophic’ budget of 2015.

About 200 people protested near government headquarters at a
rally that was officially registered as a meeting between
Communist MPs and their voters.

When the Russian government submitted the draft budget 2015
to the State Duma we, the Communist Party, said this was a budget
of disaster. This budget fails to solve any problems
,” the
deputy leader of the party, MP Valery Rashkin, said during the

The lawmaker added that the recent rapid devaluation of the ruble
had devastated the average Russian’s wealth, and demanded that
President Vladimir Putin dismiss Dmitry Medvedev’s entire

The leader of the Communist Party, Gennadiy Zyuganov, on Tuesday
called upon heads of all parliamentary parties to discuss the
“cabinet problem” with the president, to develop an urgent
crisis-reversal plan for the nation.

A Russia's communists supporter holds a portrait of Soviet dictator Stalin with a slogan "We miss you so much, USSR" during a rally in central Moscow. (AFP Photo/Vasily Maximov)

If we do not attract such people as those attracted by
Stalin to ensure the national security, the likes of Korolev,
Keldysh and Kurchatov, it will be impossible to solve even a
single problem
,” the Interfax news agency quoted Zyuganov as
saying. The politician added that in his view there were no
people of such caliber in the current Russian government.

The three names mentioned by the head of the Communist Party
belong to three scientists, who created Russian missile and
nuclear weapons in the 40s and 50s.Mstislav Keldysh was a
mathematician, Igor Kurchatov was a nuclear physicist and Sergey
Korolyov was a rocket scientist.

Zyuganov also told reporters that some government ministers were
doing very well, in particular the defense minister and the
interior minister. “But if you have a broader look at their
budget policy, at the finance and economy bloc, at the
agriculture and social blocs – there we can only see a complete
,” the Communist leader said.

Speaking at a major press conference last week, President Putin
said that both the government and the Central Bank were dealing
adequately with the modern challenges to the Russian economy. He
noted, however, that there were some questions regarding the
quality and timing of the actions, but insisted that the general
strategy was correct.

Putin also said the current situation in the economy was caused
by external factors and noted that he expected things to get back
to normal in a maximum of two years.

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