Confused koala discovers his home has been cut down (Photos)


This koala looks rather sad. But can you blame him?

According to Australia’s Wildlife Information, Rescue and Education Service (WIRES), the sub-adult male koala was recently discovered sitting atop the remnants of what was once a forest in Vittoria State Forest, New South Wales. Although the logging operation was approved by the forestry service, judging by the koala’s confused expression, not everyone got the memo.

“Koalas would have been moved out of their homes in preparation for planned logging activities,” says WIRES general manager, Leanne Taylor.

“It is common for koalas to roam back to their home range afterwards and become confused to find nothing there. A worker noticed a koala had been sitting stationary in broad daylight on top of wood piles for over an hour.”

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The perplexed marsupial, found to have an injury on its eye, was transfered to a local vet before being relocated once again back into a different patch of forest. Forestry workers found three other koalas at the clearcut site and they were transfered as well.

Via The Courier Mail

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