Congressman: Obama admin may be accessory to murder with Fast and Furious

Matthew Boyle
Daily Caller
October 5, 2011

Republican Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona told The Daily Caller the Obama administration officials responsible for Operation Fast and Furious might be accessories to murder.

“We’re talking about consequences of criminal activity — where we actually allowed guns to walk into the hands of criminals — where our livelihoods are at risk,” Gosar said in a phone interview. “When you facilitate that and a murder or a felony occurs, you’re called an accessory. That means that there’s criminal activity.”

Gosar said the government should be held to the same standard as everyone else. Fast and Furious weapons were used to kill U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, as well as scores of Mexican citizens, and he thinks that administration officials should be held accountable.

“We impugn the private sector, we impugn main street America, and the bureaucracy cannot be held to any different standard whatsoever,” Gosar told TheDC. “They [the Justice Department and ATF officials] intentionally — intentionally — violated the law.”

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46 Responses to “Congressman: Obama admin may be accessory to murder with Fast and Furious”

  1. How good is the promise of the shadow government that no crimes committed by the president and his men for the globalists will come back on them. How good is the exception to treason.

    Stay tuned to find out just how absolutely corrupt and criminal your government actually is. They must function as a World Zionist Mafia Gang. It seem the only courts in the world that procecute these international criminals, for real, are some of the Judges in Italy independent of the British Attorneys Registry. Let us see if America’s legal system is Joke and if the White House is just a crime-cartel oligarchy. How more Obvious do their crimes have to be, before certain people get off their asses and do something. They do it right in people’s faces and expect to get off, they same way they have lets most the financial crooks off too. It is a den of vipers and snakes.

    • Eric Holder is becoming almost legendary for his obstruction of justice and blocking of investigations in America. He is becoming a folk-hero among the criminal elite.

  2. Look at the photo of that piece of s–t….. he thinks he’s some kind of movie star.

    • No, infact he was dribbling a basketball, double dipping, I mean double dribbling.He throws bricks though, in fact one hit Bin Ladin in the head and killed him, AGAIN.

      • As long as he didn’t throw brick at the wrong Bin Ladin and kill himself.

  3. Doesn’t the accessory to a gun crime usually get sent to jail just like the person who commits the first degree crime? Most states make crimes committed with a gun a felony. So Obama and his AG are accessories to murder, right? Arrest them, put them in jail without bail while awaiting trial, just like they do for all us “little people” he keeps pretending to be just like.


    • I agree. The power of the alternative media is kicking the MSM’s ass. Ron Paul doesn’t need the MSM and they know it. Ron Paul 2012! viva la rEVOLucion!

  5. Its NOT a question . . . its a “FACT”. If your IN COMMAND, anyone UNDER your command . . . “YOU” as commander, are “RESPONSIBLE” for. . . . . there it is.

  6. We only need to convict them of one conspiracy to commit murder charge on a RICO and we got them.

    • They put many laws on the books just for good face. Not one Zionist has ever been convicted and given time for his war-crimes. The secret government always let’s their puppets off.

  7. Maybe? Obama IS a murderer. He needs to be arrested immediately.

  8. the administrations should be dragged to jail fast and furiously

    • Obama probably has Letters of Marque from the Queen and Vatican authorizing these crimes.
      What would you expect for a British Agent.

      He probably receives money for some of his crimes, into personal offshore accounts. And the more crooked he gets, the more his minion pea-brain supporters love him, apparently.

  9. Where was this a hole repub when george n cheney killed 3000 Americans on 9/11. Oh I forgot it was 19 terrorists with box cutters who took down 3 buildings with 2 planes. YEA RIGHT. Then they started 2 wars that killed hundreds of thousands for profit and killed some more Americans.

  10. Good evening people . what happened to america is that only the polticians can a have a voice
    if sylvester stallion came out and said that the u.s government had enginererd FAST and FURIOUS all the jew producers and the mainstream media would find something on him and discredit him. so Mr.Gosar find that the it was the u.s government that was in charge of fast and that mr. gosar has the balls to say this .now at the same time why don’t he find the men and bring them to justice. i tell you people NEVER trust a poltician.except for RON PAUL .HE TRULY IS AN A REAL HONEST MAN.9/11 inside job .not one man was brought to justice .please 19 muslims .give me a break.muslims are to stupid to come up with such a scheme.all the muslims men think about is pussy and having money.thats it. tell me what the muslims invented something or contributed to this worls except.being dum and buying stuff with there money.

  11. I see O’Bummer has got his Gurupies taggin’ along !!!

    That’s like someone grabbing the tail of a swimming dog , and hoping to cross the
    ocean that way …

    P.S. Dumb bells are a good deal …

    • Zombies are a real thing, they are not just a fiction of the movies.

      Veritas vos Liberabit

      • Especially if they got big tits !!!

        P.S. Deal …

        • Tits ? , I like Tits ! Save the Ta Tas’ !!

  12. Of COURSE the Obama Administration is an accessory to murder.

    • And the Bush admin. There’s going to be a lot more to be sickened by in the future but nothing will be done unless people WAKE UP.

      Bring on the revolution!! Ron Paul 2012

  13. I have written and e-mailed Pelosi, and Bush on several occasions about dragging the freaks thru the streets with their pants at half mast. My exact words.
    All you get when you confront these devils is some tripe, stupid answer that is what they all say.
    We are very glad to hear from you on these issues and we are trying our best to answer these questions. We hope you stay interested in your government and we will do everything we can to make sure your voice is heard.
    Sincelry dip shit heads.
    Now can someone tell me what the hell is it good for to ask them anything at all. May as well ask Charly Manson to stop being evil. Ask a beaver to stay out of the water and you will have more success.
    The time for talking is over, the information we have is way more than enough to start the shit flying from the fan.
    I will go back to sleep until I hear the bell ring for taking 30 million gun owners to the corrupt D.C. false bank of london, Rothchild owned, bloodsucking, illegal, punks that don’t give a rats ASS about any of us.

  14. Great Pic!


    said from the bow of the Titanic aka USSA

  15. hey, just thought this might be of interest to a truther

  16. I agree with congressmen Gosar on this point and I’ll take it a step further. Obama deserves the death penalty, either lethal injection, or the electric chair. Take your pick you lying sell out puppet.

    After him, we can move on to giving the federal reserve devils the death penalty, with geithner, bernanke, Janet napolitano, Harry Reid, and Nancy pelosi joining them.

    • death penalty? i thnk thats being too nice to them

      • And the charge would be what? Taking advantage of an ignorant and apathetic populace? The Federal Reserve Act has been tolerated by the American people for nearly 100 years. As long as they get a bit of the action, most people don’t object to the existence of a monetary monopoly.

        • The charges? How about murder. Murder for profit and power. Murder crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and now Libya. And of US border patrol and in Mexico from operation fast and furious. Did you not read the article?

  17. What all those that know about 9/11? Those that were involved and those with holding evidence are all an accessory to murder. I’m sure if we have enough prison cells that would hold all those that have played a role in a crime that cost someone their lives.

  18. The Obama Banda don’t need no Stinkin’ Badges!

    The Obama Banda pretended they didn’t know
    That ATF was buyin’ A.K.s at each gun show
    But it’s an indisputable fact
    They violated the Arms Export Control Act
    Selling guns to drogas cartell in ol’ Mexico.

    The arma vendedor knew things were out of sorts
    So they called up the ATF to file reports
    ATF said “Let the sales go thru”
    But in their gut, the sellers knew
    ATF would betray, and they’d take it in the shorts!

    But a couple of honest ATF agents balked
    So Holder had these desilusionados stalked
    ‘Cause he knew this EPIC FAIL
    Could put the Obama crew in jail
    If they went before the Congress and they talked!

    Now they pressure the Yankee prensa to ignore
    This pre-meditated, covert act of border war,
    But forty thousand dead a year
    Is what Americans need to hear
    So we can fill Guantanamo with Obama’s Arma Corredor!

    It’s time for American peons to gather torch and pike
    To hang these traitors, not protest or general strike!
    One thing history doesn’t hide
    Is Disarmament precedes Genocide
    So get the ropes before they establish their Fourth Reich!
    Charles Ulysses Feney

    Disarmament precedes Genocide – ALWAYS!
    Ask the 300 million victims in the last century.

    • disarmament precedes genocide…..hmmm. I did the math….he’s right….he’s bloody right.

      • Massive cow / animal abuse and slaughter always precedes genocide …

        P.S. That’s really for sure !!!

  19. Paul Gosar said, “… where we actually allowed guns…”. By using the way he phrased
    his response, he is guilty also because he included himself with those that ran the guns
    into Mexico. Was that a freudian slip, or what??

    • Well he might be talking about the Government in general.

    • We, as KARMA mentioned, probably was in reference to the government or America. However it can also include all American people, including you and me, as we allowed a tyranical fascist government to take power and carry our an operation like fast and furious.

      Veritas vos Liberabit

  20. speaking of torture, can someone in the know find out for me what’s in folger’s flavoured coffees? the chocolate one makes me sick as a dog, and the vanilla one literally pervades every surface. I can take two showers and still smell like vanilla twelve hours later. WTF!

    • You are probably suffering from “leaky gut” syndrome and/or intestinal damage from gluten intolerance. Try going gluten free (that means nothing made with wheat, barley, rye or oats) and going sugar free for 7 days and see what happens. First and foremost, do not ever eat or drink things with artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners etc. Just drink regular coffee, not that flavored crap.

  21. How much y’all wanna bet he disappears soon for speaking up against the status quo and wanting to hold the bureaucracy to the same standards as everyone else? It wouldn’t surprise me at all.

  22. not only for fast an feureus for many other things like electronic harrasment and torture by microwave, not just fot that they need to pay for lots of shit like other adnministration and the one before. we are going to clean the house. and dtoxicate the masses. no more FLUORIDE.

    • there are soooooo darn many crimes they are guilty of and accessories for blocking investigations. this 911 must be pursued. We know who did it…the world knows. Only simple minds and paid shills support the official LIES!!! HAHAHA always wanted to do that for dramatic effect.

  23. Terrorism as defined in U.S. CODE is legal for the U.S. Government.

    There are exceptions for government and government contractors for murder and terrorism in the U.S. CODE.

  24. All of the mass media propaganda lemmings : also willing perpetrators and traders. Unworthy of
    even a fair trial. Calling all lynch mobs !

  25. “where we actually allowed guns to walk into the hands of criminals”

    They didn’t walk into their hands, they were sold to attack the second ammendment.
    But good for him speaking up

  26. ur kidding…our GOVERNMENT lying, killing, and not being held responsible? THAT would never happen…right?

  27. MAY be? now that is tame.

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