Cops still looking for missing dachshund

A sausage dog stolen along with its owners’ car when they stopped to help the victims of a Gold Coast accident is still missing.

Queensland police on Sunday issued another alert urging the public to keep an eye out for seven-year-old dachshund Tau, who was in the vehicle stolen from the crash scene on Saturday.

His owners Des and Deidre Payne had stopped at a crash at a Mermaid Waters intersection about 10am (AEST).

But one of the drivers involved stole their champagne-coloured 2001 Mitsubishi Magna sedan, with Tau inside.

The car with Queensland registration 776HMI and the dog, which is brown with a white chest, haven’t been seen since.

The Paynes are using the social media site Twitter to help track down their beloved pet, who they describe as like a child to them.

Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

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