Costa Allegra: passengers may be stuck onboard for another 40 hours

Asked why the passengers would not be transferred onto another ship that could
move faster, Captain Nicastro said: “The most safe place for the
passengers is the ship. The ship is in safety condition, it is stable, it is
still moving with the fishing boat tugging her. So the safest place for the
people is on the boat. There is no reason to disembark people to put on
another ship or put on a helicopter.”

Costa Cruises is still reeling from the tragic Costa Concordia accident that
occurred on January 13 after the liner hit rocks off the Italian island of
Giglio, killing at least 25 people.

Divers and rescue workers are still searching for the bodies of seven missing
people. Italy’s coastguard will now send an investigative team to the
Seychelles to look into the second accident in just over a month relating to
a Costa cruise ship.

“A team from the Italian coastguard is going there just to check what
happened, just to understand.” Captain Nicastro said.

“I know you talk about the big accident of the Costa Concordia of course
they are two different situations, totally different conditions so they are
not related accidents between Costa Allegra and Costa Concordia. But what I
would like to point out is that every year millions of passengers go in
cruises over all parts of the world, and they are safe. So for passengers,
still the cruise liners are a safe way to spend a vacation.” Nicastro

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