Winners of an Amnesty International photography competition

Amnesty International’s competition for amateur photographers across Europe
attracted over 500 entries. They were challenged to submit powerful images
promoting the value of a society without discrimination. An international
jury of professional photographers and human rights activists chose the top
12, which will be on display at in Split, Croatia from Saturday. The
exhibition, titled “Yes to Diversity, No to Discrimination, will be opened
by former NBA basketball star John Amaechi. The exhibition runs until 10

1st Place: Kateryna Hornostay (Ukraine). “All the residents of the
Dzherela learning and rehabilitation centre are called ‘children’,
regardless of their age. They are interested in strangers, like to
communicate and are friendly towards people. On the day this photo was taken
my friends, who are studying social work, were going to visit Dzherela and
invited me along. Only one girl from the group we visited was sad and
silent. She didn’t say a single word the whole evening. As I understood, she
suffers from autism. During the day we organised dances for the children
with merry rousing music, showed them different movements. All the time I
was watching that girl and this was the only moment she smiled.”

Picture: Kateryna Hornostay

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