Could This Be the Ultimate SHTF Handgun?

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Mac Slavo
March 23, 2012

This is eight double rounds [.45 ACP] with the Arsenal Firearms 2011 Second Century Double Barrel Pistol…in other words, it is 4000 grains of payload sent downrange in about 5 seconds. To achieve the same result with a single barrel 9mm pistol we would need to shoot about 30 rounds, with two changes of magazines, in about 30 seconds.

This is performance…


Could This Be the Ultimate SHTF Handgun? af2011 a 1 double barrel pi stol arsenal firearms tm tfb

Could This Be the Ultimate SHTF Handgun? af2011 D

Could This Be the Ultimate SHTF Handgun? af2011 B

Could This Be the Ultimate SHTF Handgun? af2011 E

Via Arsenal Firearms:

The AF2011-A1 Double Barrel Pistol comes actually as the very first industrial double barrel semiautomatic pistol of all times. The original idea came about ten years back to Swiss armourer Vivian Mueller, who at the time experienced cutting and welding together multiple parts of the famous Sig P210: the result was a long slide, double barrel 9mm, highly decorated collector piece, which indeed shot very well.

Our idea took the challenge further: to commemorate the legendary Colt 1911-A1 in the Centenary by making a true industrial market-ready double barrel .45 caliber pistol. We achieved success in the brief span of 6 months, after intense and round-the-clock 3D designing, stereolithographic modeling and parts machining.

The gun can be handled by any shooter able to shoot with a .45 Acp and it is not only very pleasing, but very accurate and great fun. The AF2011-A1 holds amazing and surprising target performance for the shooter: in fact, it will group all the 8 double .45 caliber rounds (16 bullets) held in the duplex, single columns magazines, in a target of the size of an orange at 15 yards and of a water melon at 25.

The stopping power of the AF2011-A1 is tremendous: 2 bullets for a total of 460 Grains weight impacting at 1 to 2 inches apart (depending on the distance of the target) will knock down a bull, while the whole 18 bullets, for a payload exceeding 4000 Grains, can be delivered to the target in about 3 seconds.

Hat tip The Firearm Blog

Also See: The Annihilator 2000

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7 Responses to “Could This Be the Ultimate SHTF Handgun?”

  1. OOOH…SOOO Shiney….Must Have. Going to the top of my Christmas wish list with ammo…lots of ammo.

  2. What was the price tag on this gun? I’m sure it’s going to be around $800, easy.

  3. why is it always creepy with a for-gin guy in a tux .is that macho .where can i purchase one of these

  4. when the shit hits the fan, you want to have a gun you can take bullets from the most loosers .and you can make arrows from wood

  5. That’s funny. I wonder if they rifled the barrels in opposite directions to counter act the 1911′s nasty habit of wanting to twist your wrist when you shoot it.

  6. What does Ross Seyfried think of it ?

  7. Now that’s a gun!

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