Court case over drone strike ‘could force Britain to reveal intelligence exchanges with US’

“From a political point of view the whole question of our intelligence
involvement in drone attacks is a political hot potato.”

Mr Khan, whose father is one of hundreds of civilians who say they have lost
innocent friends or relatives in the drone attacks in the Waziristan region
of Pakistan.

Daud Khan and at least 40 other people from the same tribe died when a meeting
of elders was struck by a missile thought to have been fired from a CIA
drone on March 17, 2011.

Speaking via his lawyer in Islamabad, Mr Khan told The Times: “I want to
achieve justice. I would like those to be on trial who were responsible for
the killing of my father.”

There is no indication that British intelligence was used in this strike, but
Mr Khan’s application to the High Court – which may be heard as early as
July – will go to the heart of a “grey area” in the intelligence-sharing
contacts between the US and UK.

Among those killed are believed to be seven British passport holders – raising
the possibility of the UK being accused of complicity in the deaths of its
own citizens, whether they were suspected of terrorist activity or not.

Clive Stafford-Smith, director of legal charity Reprieve, which is backing the
application, said the UK “should be worried because there is no question
that they are complicit in war crimes”.

A Foreign Office spokeswoman said: “It is the UK’s longstanding policy not to
comment on intelligence matters.”

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