Crash victim ‘had so much love to give’

A Melbourne schoolgirl who joked about dying before being fatally thrown from a car had “so much love to give,” her mother has told a court.

Ebony Dunsworth, 16, died when drink driver Timothy Watson rolled the stolen car he was driving in Nar Nar Goon in October last year, the Herald Sun reports.

Her mother Helen Crighton gave a tearful testimony in the Victorian County Court today after Watson’s guilty plea to car theft, culpable driving and negligent driving.

“The only thing Ebony did was trust an adult,” she said.

“The house is so quiet and empty without her … words cannot express the heartache, pain and loneliness I feel every day.”

Ebony, who competed in two world championships as a BMX rider, had accepted the lift from Watson on the way home from a party.

Watson had a blood-alcohol concentration of 0.139 and was driving at least 137km/h when he slammed on the brakes before the crash, the court heard.

Passengers had urged the man, 23, to slow down but he ignored them.

Shortly before the crash Ms Dunsworth texted her friend Amelia Campbell saying: “LOL I’m going to die.”

Later Ms Dunsworth told Ms Campbell by phone that the driver had been speeding and doing burnouts.

Sources: Herald Sun, AAP.
Author: Nick Pearson. Approving editor: Alys Francis.

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