Cristiano Ronaldo App Takes Soccer and Social Media Superstar Mobile

Can’t get enough Cristiano? Social media‘s most popular athlete worldwide launched an official mobile app on Tuesday for all things Ronaldo.

Mashable got a hands-on sneak peak at the free iPhone and Android app over the weekend, and it’s pretty cool. It handles smoothly, is simple to navigate and has a simple, pleasant interface.

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You’d better be a big-time fan of the Portugal and Real Madrid striker, though, because it’s a mega-dose of Ronaldo. But for people who can’t get enough of him and want access to exclusive content, it’s worth the download.

The Ronaldo app opens to a home screen with wallpaper that alternates between a photo of him juggling a soccer ball and another with him in casual mode flashing a wide grin. From there, users can navigate to the app’s many features.

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A “News” section aggregates Ronaldo’s official Facebook and Twitter feeds. You can also see a stream of all his Twitter mentions. The “Fan Wall” section serves as a virtual comment board and geotags where supporters are chiming in from around the world, which is a nice touch for such a global star. A “Top Users” area encourages people to participate by ranking users according to their daily, weekly, monthly and all-time engagement. Photo and video sections provide two forms of media from the star himself.

There is also a menu item that directs you to external Ronaldo-themed games, and a biography section for a Ronaldo primer.

With more than 40 million Facebook Likes and more than 7 million Twitter followers, Ronaldo dominates social media like no other athlete.

Ronaldo isn’t the first sports star to launch an official app, but his involvement does reflect the platform’s marketing power and its likely continued growth as a trend for individual athletes who play team sports. His app was developed with Mobile Roadie, a company that’s also behind the official apps of Adele, Katy Perry, the Dallas Mavericks and others.

Ronaldo is also no stranger to personally branded digital offerings. In December, we covered his cartoon mobile game Heads Up, and in 2010 someone even took the liberty of creating an unofficial Cristiano Ronaldo app.

Check it out for yourself and let us know what you think in the comments.

This story originally published on Mashable here.

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