Crooked former HSBC banker Peter Nudd stole £50k and spent the money on takeaways

  • HSBC costs estimated at £200,000
  • Nudd stole money for seven years without detection
  • He took £130,000 from one account and transferred the money to struggling firms he had secured loans for  

Daily Mail Reporter

07:50 EST, 11 July 2012


03:23 EST, 12 July 2012

A crooked bank worker stole £80,000 from a customer’s account and transferred the money to struggling businesses which were failing to repay the loans he had agreed.

Former HSBC worker Peter Nudd has been jailed after stealing thousands of pounds from the bank.

Former HSBC worker Peter Nudd has been jailed after stealing thousands of pounds from the bank.

Peter Nudd, 50, also took nearly £50,000 from the same account to spend on takeaways and Butlin’s holidays.

Nudd dragged a total of 51 businesses into his crooked scheme.

In the worst case, he plundered £131,000 from one customer and moved £80,000 into the accounts of ailing businesses who were failing to repay the loans he had rubber-stamped.

HSBC’s total losses are estimated at more than £200,000.

Nudd was a high-flying commercial manager at HSBC’s offices in Meridian Business Park, Norwich.

The crook kept some of the businesses affected in the dark by sending them false bank statements.

Nudd, of Martham, Norfolk, was jailed for two years at Norwich Crown Court yesterday.

He admitted one charge of theft and three of false accounting.

Nudd also asked for 46 other crimes of false accounting to be dealt with by the court.

The devastated married father-of-one released a statement afterwards saying that his crimes would ‘haunt him for ever.’

He said: ‘I never thought it would continue for this long and I have struggled to come to terms with this whole chapter in my life.

‘I’m glad to be out of the bank and will draw a line under this to move on with my future.

He added: ‘We have had little if any benefit from this and are in a very difficult financial place.

‘I love my family and I hope they forgive me for putting them under huge financial strain.’
Nudd began moving money around the bank’s clients in 2004, thinking he would soon be detected.

But his false accounting continued until February 2011 when a firm called Enviroserve queried why £18,164 had been taken out of its account in three payments.

HSBC brought in an investigator.

They found Nudd had moved thousands of pounds from wealthy to failing firms who he had approved for loans, but could not pay the bank back.

When questioned, Nudd, who joined the bank in 1980, admitted he had been ‘spinning plates’ by moving the sums around the bank’s clients.

HSBC’s loss is estimated at £222,000.

Ross Burrows, defending, told the court: ‘It does have hallmarks of a Robin Hood story, but I think it is more a case of banking pressures which Mr Nudd found himself put under.’

Mr Burrows said Nudd had been out of his depth after being promoted to commercial manager in 2002 and had contemplated suicide after being caught.

Peter Nudd treated his family to trips to Butlin's using the stolen cash.

Peter Nudd treated his family to trips to Butlin’s using the stolen cash.

‘This is an extremely unusual case,’ he said.

‘He just assumed from the outset when he transferred these funds that it would be picked up immediately.’

Nudd had not flaunted the £49,000 he had banked and continued to live in a terraced house and drive a humble Vauxhall Astra.

But Martin Ivory, prosecuting, branded his behaviour ‘misguided, very foolish and unnecessary.’

Mr Ivory said: ‘A lot of the money moved round is either to cover his own incompetence or his own concerns.’

Judge Nicholas Coleman told Nudd: ‘You were in a position where you assumed a high level of trust.

‘We know only too well in this day and age the public expects confidence in those responsible for the management of their financial affairs.’

Despite the deception lasting for seven years, HSBC insisted last night it had ‘processes in place’ to uncover fraud.

A bank spokesman said: ‘As soon as any fraudulent activity is identified, we always inform the relevant authorities and in this case the bank has worked closely with Norfolk Police and provided appropriate support.

‘The bank also has a number of processes in place to enable members of staff to raise and discuss any concerns they have about their role.’

The court ordered Nudd to pay a nominal sum of £1 under the proceeds of crime act.

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Peter Nudd could have bought himself a takeaway with the £50.000

seems as well qualified for the job as any of the others in the news lately. I’m talking to you Diamond.

The safest place to keep your money is under the bed and that’s a fact.

Two years! That’s OK, then. You’re free to do it again!

You rob the bank for 220 thosand and see if you only get 2 years.!!!!!

Of course, we have had to be reminded several times now, the “Top” people at banks are their for their fantastic financial skill and expertise and earn their stratospherically obscene bonuses-(you know- the ones so high that you could not spend them in a lifetime), so as to be retained not poached abroad by other banks etc etc ….and we should all count ourselves lucky to have them there….
It would seem now that all along this divine skill and talent was the ability to cheat by rigging rates and covering up for years, and then, when the balloon finally goes up, explain precisely nothing at all over three hours of direct questioning when “Cornered” by Parliamentary “Select Comittee” -Ha, Ha !
No doubt many of those “Right Honorable” folk in Westminster will be treading carefully in fear of their own often used assertion at such committees: “It happened on your watch, so you either knew about it, or if you did not, you are incompetent” Still, Bob`s off with another trouserful..

Marvellous, isn`t it? He gets 2 years in prison for losing HSBC about £220,000 yet people like Fred the Shred, Diamond at al do far worse to affect their bank`s operations but still walk away with £millions and gold plated pensions. They are ones who should be locked up and the keys thrown away.

Brits .. complaining .. moaning .. crying ..winging …. no news then .

This guy is no ‘Robin Hood’. He stole £50K for himself, along with bonuses wage increases etc. He was simply covering his tracks by moving money around, and if it wasn’t discovered for 7yrs, it was done so well it passed at least 2 independant audits, along with year end accounting., so I doubt the bank has any idea how much they have lost. In 2004 when he started this credit was cheap and money was literally been thrown at small and medium sized businesses, so he must have been truly bad at his job if he couldn’t see a bad risk under those conditions. As for the nominal fee payback, that’s wrong. I don’t agree with the bank getting all the blost interest payments etc back, but surely, the £50K he admits to should be reclaimed, he has a house – it should be sold, a bank clerk would have to pay it back so should he.

Only this one picked on!.Where’s the others then.

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