Glamorous executive Laura Barker whose ‘life was ruined by sex pest National Grid chief Steven Holliday’

  • Laura Barker, 32, claims she is unable to find employment since leaving energy firm National Grid
  • Chief-executive Steven Holliday allegedly ‘ruined her career’ when she spurned his sexual advances
  • Her parents spoke to the Daily Mail yesterday and blames Mr Holliday for their daughters situation

Eleanor Harding, Andy Dolan and Nick Fagge

18:34 EST, 11 July 2012


02:42 EST, 12 July 2012

Laura Barker, worked at National Grid and claims her career was ruined by her former chief-executive Steven Holliday

Laura Barker claims her career was ruined by her former chief-executive Steven Holliday

With her sunglasses perched on  her head and a bright smile for the camera, this is the glamorous executive at the centre of a sex row involving a married energy firm boss.

Laura Barker, 32, was last night revealed as the woman who allegedly had her career ruined because she could not meet the ‘sexual demands’ of Steven Holliday.

She worked for Mr Holliday as the vice- president of marketing at the US wing of National Grid, where he is chief executive.

Her parents claim the 55-year-old pursued her for sex and then sabotaged her career when she began to reject his advances.

Now, after quitting her lucrative job at the energy company, they say she is unemployed and fears she will never find work again.

Last night, her father Keith spoke out to tell the Daily Mail that Mr Holliday, who is also a non-executive director of Marks Spencer, had ruined his daughter’s future.

He said: ‘Mr Holliday is trying to save his career. But he’s got no respect. She was a high-flier. She worked in Boston and New York. She’s not working now and she can’t get a position. She has no career, no future.

‘I’ve seen through the last two years what she has gone through trying to resurrect her career.

‘And all the way through there have been problems with the company Mr Holliday is head of.’

Mr Barker, 63, said he and his estranged wife Brigid decided to confront Mr Holliday ‘of their own volition’ and are still discussing the incident with their daughter.

Mrs Barker interrupted the MS annual general meeting at London’s Royal Festival Hall on Tuesday to accuse Mr Holliday of ‘breaching his own code of ethics’ in front of 2,000 stunned shareholders.

Allegations: Steven Holliday has not made any comments in regards to being accused of making sexual advances on Miss Barker and then 'ruined her career' when she could not meet them

Allegations: Steven Holliday has not made any comments in regards to being accused of making sexual advances on Miss Barker and then ‘ruined her career’ when she could not meet them

The pair were escorted out after Mrs Barker claimed he had pursued their daughter and then ‘destroyed her career when she could no longer meet his sexual demands’. She did not state her name when she made the allegations, but was happy to reveal her identity after the meeting.

Mr Barker added: ‘We wouldn’t have stood up and said what we said if we didn’t feel strongly. We can see how it’s devastated her.’

Miss Barker spent eight years at National Grid, three of which were in Boston, as director and then vice-president of marketing. She began her career at ExxonMobil, where Mr Holliday also spent 19 years – although they did not work together there.

From yesterday's Daily Mail

From yesterday’s Daily Mail

When she left National Grid in 2010, she was appointed as marketing director at Imperial College London, but left six months ago and has not worked since.

It is understood she recently applied for another high-level position but was rejected.

She lives in London with her mother while her father, an engineer, still lives at the family’s £270,000 four-bedroom detached house in Solihull, West Midlands.

National Grid has said it launched an investigation into the allegations in 2010 but they were found to be ‘without foundation’. Mr Holliday declined to comment.

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A woman (plus her parents) makes very serius allegations of sexual misconduct in the work-place and an amazing number of DM readers proceed to make highly personal comments about the lady despite the term ‘glamarous’ actually originating with DM! I am not surprised the lady in question has had a real struggle to have her issues dealt with fairly when there are so many negative comments about her looks as though that had something to do with her possibly being aggressed! As for the “grow some balls” and “sounds Victorian” responses they sum up the highly perjorative attitude of a female about another female without offering any sort of explanation or consideration for that person’s difficulties in the work-place! Shame on you! In case it has escaped the attention of those nasty name-callers the lady actually does not figure at all in this article other than by her parents’ actions and a statement from the company where the complaint about alleged misconduct was made.

I am shocked so many people here think sexual harassment in the work place is OK. When someone who holds the power in a company decides a younger member of staff has taken their fancy it always ends in tears. It is more common than you think and it is a no win situation for the younger usually female subordinate. It happened to me in the 70s when the chairman of the company I worked for decided he would have a little fun with me, I knew this put me in a bad position and when I confided in my male boss he laughed it off as being flattering to me. Two years later I was forced to leave the job of my dreams because the chairman didn’t like the rejection, but at 25 I thought a man of 60 lusting after me just plain gross.

“fears she will never find work again” she’s only 32. I’m sure if she tried hard enough she could get a job, might not be as well paid but hey that’s how the cookie crumbles.

Love all the comments from supporters of the Chief Exec. Seems he’s got a lot of friends. No one believes the lady or her parents – well, I don’t know what the truth is but few people put themselves out to go to such measures for nothing. Let’s face it, IF the apparently redoubtable Mr Holliday did pursue Ms Barker causing her to leave, he would be a very powerful enemy to take on. What if it was your daughter?

As a shareholder of National Grid, I would like an independent investigation into his conduct.

Here we go again. Let’s not worry about whether there’s any truth in the accusations or not. Her career, his reputation, who cares anyway? It’s much better sport to make rude comments about her personal appearance, isn’t it?

Sounds like a lot of his supporters have been busy logging their support for him and vitriolic condemnation of her…the language expressed here is strangely misogynistic.

Get real DM readers it doesn’t matter what this girl looks like the fact is she was sexually harassed by this guy and he is getting his revenge by making sure she does not get another position she should take legal advice and he should be sacked , it would appear that these high fliers can get away with anything. Harry Cheshire

think this lady needs to move on in her life…..we all suffer set backs the evidence of ones ability is how you overcome them. she says there was no affair and she left the company so why is she still allowing it to dominate her life. get a grip woman

Why did she leave her job at Imperial College after 6 months? Surely she wasnt the only person who applied for the other job and was rejected?

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