Cruise disaster: captain neared rocks in Facebook stunt for friend’s family

According to Italy’s Corriere della Sera newspaper, as the cruise liner
approached the island’s coastline Captain Francesco Schettino, 52, said to
the head waiter Antonello Tievolli: “Come and see, Antonello, we’re
right in front of Giglio”.

He misjudged the stunt, however, with the result that the ship hit the rocks,
tearing a huge gash in its hull and forcing the night-time evacuation of its
more than 4,000 passengers and crew.

When the head waiter eventually reached dry land after the mass evacuation of
the ship, he reportedly told friends and relatives on Giglio: “I would
never have imagined that I’d end up disembarking on my own island like this.”

Since the ship ran aground, an Italian Facebook page has been set up for those
wishing to vent their anger at the Captain deemed responsible for the

Almost 1,000 have ‘liked’ the page that suggests the Captain played with
people’s lives.

Mr Tievoli, the son of a retired hairdresser who still lives on the island, is “tormented
by a sense of guilt”, even though he did not request the sail-past,
Corriere della Sera reported.

His father, Giuseppe Tievoli, a white-haired 82 year-old who has lived his
whole life on Giglio, said: “Antonello called me earlier to say the
ship would be passing by the island at around 9:30 and they would come and
give us a whistle to say hello. It was something they often did.

“The ship obviously came too close. I don’t know if Antonello asked the
captain to come near, but the responsibility is always and only the

“It was only coincidence my son was on board. He was supposed to have
disembarked at Savona (on a cruise the week before), but the person who was
supposed to replace him wasn’t well, so he had to stay on board.” The
captain, who has been accused of negligence and dereliction of duty, also
performed the sail-past as a sort of salute to an old colleague, a former
admiral from the Costa Crociere cruise line.

A rock emerges from the hull of the luxury cruise ship Costa Concordia

But Mario Palombo, who retired in 2006 after a heart attack, was not even on
Giglio on Friday night to see the spectacle of the cruise ship sailing by
with its 12 levels brightly lit up and its sirens blaring.

From his house in Grosseto, Tuscany, where he spends the winter months, he
told Corriere della Sera: “I cannot understand what could have
happened, what passed through my colleague’s head. The captain sets the
course – on board the ship, he’s king. But I don’t want to be dragged into
this argument, for any reason.” .

prosecutors claim Captain Francesco Schettino, 52, had approached the
island’s coastline in a “carelessly clumsy manner” in the moments
before a catastrophic collision with an underwater rock formation that
caused the ship to list violently and eventually capsize.

Captain Francesco Schettino is due to appear before an investigating
magistrate at Grosseto on Tuesday morning to decide whether he should be
kept in custody or released while the investigation continues.

At the moment he is in Grosseto prison where he has been held since Saturday
and prosecutors are said to be objecting to his release as they fear he may
flee or interfere with evidence.

With the weather deteriorating and the sea becoming choppier, the 1,000 ft
long vessel is beginning to shift its position, raising fears that it could
slide deeper into the sea and rupture its fuel tanks.

The ship came to rest on its side in about 15m/45ft of water just outside
Giglio’s tiny harbour after smashing into a rocky shoal on Friday night and
tearing a huge gash in its hull.

An underwater photograph of the Costa Concordia cruise ship that sank
off the coast of the island of Giglio (EPA)

Mr Schettino, who is being questioned on suspicion of multiple manslaughter,
claimed yesterday that the reef had not appeared on the nautical charts and
had not been picked up by the ship’s navigation systems. “We should
have had deep water beneath us,” he said. “We were about 300
metres [1,000ft] from the rocks more or less.”

Prosecutors also accused Mr Schettino of abandoning his ship “well before”
the last of his passengers, a criminal offence that can carry a sentence of
up to 12 years in jail. The captain denied this, insisting he was the last
to leave.

The Concordia capsized after the captain tried to turn around and head into
the island’s port in an apparent attempt to make it easier to evacuate.

Survivors, including 23 British passengers and 12 British crew members,
claimed the evacuation effort was “chaos”. Mr Schettino’s lawyer, Bruno
Leporatti, said his client’s manoeuvre had saved the lives of “several
hundred people”. The rescue of the Korean honeymoon couple and Mr
Giampetroni, who had a broken leg, gave hope to divers searching thousands
of cabins for the missing. The ship’s “black box” navigation system is being
examined — with officials saying that the vessel was up to four miles off

Pier Luigi Foschi, chairman and chief executive of Costa Crociere, will today
face the media for the first time at two press conferences in Genoa, as
Italian prosecutors continue to question Capt Schettino in custody.

He is reportedly being held on suspicion of multiple manslaughter and
abandoning ship.

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