David Rockefeller’s SIXTH Heart Transplant at Age 99!

David Rockefeller-99 yrs old

Billionaire philanthropist David Rockefeller has successfully undergone his sixth heart transplant in 38 years at the venerable age of 99 years old. ~ Bob Flanagan ~ Must See Related Articles

The heart transplant surgery, which lasted 6 hours and was done by a team of private surgeons at his principal residence, on the family estate in Pocantico Hills, New York doesn’t seem to have tired the legendary business man known for his dynamism and cunningness.

His first heart transplant occurred in 1976 after a dramatic car
accident led him to suffer a heart attack. He was operated 24 hours
later and up and jogging a week later.

David Rockefellers Vanuatu Island Compound

David Rockefeller will be resting for the next weeks in his Vanuatu Island complex after he successfully underwent his sixth heart transplant in 38 years at the venerable age of 99.

The 99-year old man allowed reporters to ask him a few questions only
36 hours after the operation, a testament to the sturdy health of the
American icon.

«Every time I get a new heart, it is like the breath of life is swept across my body. I feel reenergized and alive» he told reporters.

Asked about the secret to his longevity, Mr Rockefeller explained a simple life is the way to go.

«People often ask me this question and I always answer the
same thing: Love life. Live a simple life, play with your kids, enjoy
the things you have, spend time with good loyal friends»
he acknowledged with a kind smile.

«I’ve made a lot of money in my life, but I’ve given most of it away. There is no point of having if you can’t share» explained the renown philanthropist.

The man that has also had two kidney transplants in 1988 and 2004 is
still extremely positive about his health and hopes to live up to 200
years, he told reporters jokingly and in good spirit, only hours after
his operation.


Reposted May 25, 2015 – KnowTheLies.com




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Think about this…

SIX young lives were sacrificed to keep ONE 99 year old David Rockefeller alive!

~ SadInAmerica



Source Article from http://www.knowthelies.com/node/10387

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