Deadliest day in Syria as army makes gains in Damascus

The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Friday that at
least 93 of those killed on Thursday were government troops.

The Local Coordination Committees, which documents civilian deaths, said 217
civilians were killed.

Death tolls are difficult to verify in tightly controlled Syria which places
severe restrictions on journalists.

Early on Friday Syrian TV said troops recovered control of the rebellious
neighborhood Midan in the capital.

“Our brave army forces have completely cleaned the area of Midan in
Damascus of the remaining mercenary terrorists and have reestablished
security,” the broadcaster said.

Damascus activist Khaled al-Shami, contacted by the Associated Press via the
Internet, said rebels carried out a “tactical” retreat early
Friday to spare civilians further shelling after five days of intense
clashes between opposition fighters and regime forces.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights however said that fighting was still

The attack came after a night of fighting in several other districts across
the capital, the Observatory said.

The diplomatic bickering meanwhile continued, after Russia and China blocked a
United Nations resolution threatening wide-ranging sanctions against the

Russia and the West are struggling to agree even on the extension of the UN
military observer mission mandate, which expires today.

Russia said it backed an unconditional 45-day extension proposed by Pakistan,
while Britain wants to extend for only 30 days for a final time.

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