Detained commander: We are entitled to resist occupation

[ PIC 25/03/2012 – 10:22 AM ]

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– Detained Qassam Brigades commander Abdullah Al-Barghouthi has said that the Palestinian people are entitled to resist occupiers of their country.

Liberated prisoner Ahlam Al-Tamimi, who is now working as an announcer in Al-Quds TV network from Amman, Jordan, quoted Barghouthi on her Facebook page on Saturday as saying that he was informed by the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) that he would be brought to trial within the few coming days.

He said that the IOA told him that a number of Israelis were filing lawsuits against him demanding financial compensations for the killing of their relatives in operations engineered by him against Israeli targets.

Barghouthi said that he did not and would not recognize Israeli courts and their “corrupt judges” who established their courts in the occupied city of Jerusalem.

The commander of the armed wing of Hamas in the West Bank was adamant on legitimacy of armed operations against the Israeli occupation of his homeland.

Barghouthi is serving the longest sentence in history of Israeli courts as he was sentenced to 67 life sentences after the court said he was responsible for a series of attacks that killed 66 Israelis and wounded 500 others.

Understand Resistance read: The Eagle of Palestine

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Palestine’s Right of Self-Defense by Stephen Lendman

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