‘Developing Iran domestic output a duty’

Referring to the new year message of Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, Mehdi Ghazanfari noted that naming the new year as the year of “National Production, Supporting Iranian Capital and Labor” by the Leader will create a new wave of production management in Iran.

“Although self-sufficiency in production, export development and reducing dependence on oil revenues have been Iran’s ideals, the Leader’s emphasis on supporting production obliges all those involved in production and trade…to provide necessary grounds and capacities for effective support of [domestic] production,” he added.

The minister emphasized that the ideal of export-oriented production cannot be realized without attention to this important issue.

“To achieve this goal, especially under current conditions when self-sufficiency is one of the most basic principles of the country, we need integrated planning as well as cooperation and participation of all executive bodies,” Ghazanfari said.

In his new year message on Tuesday, March 20, the Leader lauded the country’s great accomplishments during the previous year, saying that the past year was eventful for the world, the region and Iran.

“What one witnesses is that these events generally were to Iran’s benefit and conducive to the [country’s] objectives. Those in Western countries who pursue malevolent objectives against Iran and Iranians are having various problems,” the Leader added.

Ayatollah Khamenei stated that Iran’s number one enemy, namely the Zionist regime of Israel is now surrounded.

The Leader emphasized that if domestic production prospers, most of the enemies’ efforts will undoubtedly fail.

Ayatollah Khamenei added that the prosperity of national production is the key to resolving the problems of inflation and unemployment and will strengthen domestic economy.


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