Disabled Adults More Apt to Be Victims of Violence: Study

MONDAY, Feb. 27 (HealthDay News) — Disabled adults are at higher
risk of being victims of violence than adults who aren’t disabled, new
research finds.

Those with mental illness are particularly vulnerable, with about 24
percent reporting having experienced physical, sexual or “intimate
partner” violence during the past year, according to the study published
online Feb. 27 in The Lancet.

For the study, researchers from Liverpool John Moores University in
England analyzed the results of 26 prior studies that included some 21,500
people with a range of physical and mental disabilities from seven
countries — Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Taiwan, the United Kingdom,
United States and South Africa.

The meta-analysis, which pools the results of prior research, found
that disabled adults are 1.5 times more likely to be a violence victim
than those without a disability, while adults with mental illness are
nearly four times more likely to be victimized.

About 3 percent of people with physical, mental, emotional or other
health problems that restrict activities experienced violence within the
past 12 months, the investigators found.

About 6 percent of people with intellectual disabilities were
victimized in the past year, while one-quarter of people with mental
illnesses were, the researchers said.

“Lifetime exposure to violence, and the proportions of individuals with
disability who are directly threatened with violence or otherwise live in
fear of becoming a victim, are likely to be substantially higher than our
estimate,” study lead author Mark Bellis said in a university news

More information

The U.S. National Alliance on Mental Illness has facts about mental illness.

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