Drone aircraft kills eight suspected militants in Pakistan

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July 1, 2012

A U.S. drone aircraft killed eight suspected Islamist militants in northwest Pakistan on Sunday, security officials said.

A drone missile struck a house in the Shawal Valley where militants were reported to be hiding in the North Waziristan tribal region near the Afghan border.

“Two missiles were fired on a house. Eight militants were killed,” said a local intelligence official.

Several of the men killed were loyal to Hafiz Gul Bahadur, a top militant leader in North Waziristan, the official said on condition of anonymity.

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3 Responses to “Drone aircraft kills eight suspected militants in Pakistan”

  1. Drones killing Pakistanies is becoming so common it’s barely news anymore. It’s like this…todays weather partly cloudy with highs around 85 degrees, clear tonight with lows in the 60′s, for tomorrow 7 drone attacks are scheduled on Pakistanie militants with clear skies and winds from the North at 5 mph. Collateral damage of approximately 10 kids and 5 woman are expected, the sun will be setting at 7:25 PM under clear skies.

  2. I’m sure not gonna cry when Pakistan “drone” hits DC for “suspected” terrorists.

  3. Murdering people without any due proocess should never become routine. It’s sick and it’s illegal. More proof we don’t have a soveriegn government. The war on terror is conducted by the same terrorists that did 9/11 and have taken control of our government and military.

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