Drug, Alcohol Abuse Common Among U.S. Teens, Study Finds

MONDAY, April 2 (HealthDay News) — Alcohol and drug use is
common among American teens and more than 15 percent of them meet the
criteria for substance abuse, a new study finds.

“Once again, we are reminded that in most instances experimentation
with alcohol and drugs begins during adolescence,” said Bruce Goldman,
director of Substance Abuse Services at The Zucker Hillside Hospital in
Glen Oaks, N.Y.

“Unfortunately, many youth are at risk of developing abuse and
dependency problems due to factors including genetic predisposition,
environmental availability, school difficulties, social/family problems
and co-occurring psychiatric or behavioral disorders,” added Goldman, who
was not involved in the new study.

In the study, Joel Swendsen, of the University of Bordeaux in France,
and colleagues analyzed data from a U.S. survey of more than 10,000 teens
between the ages of 13 and 18. They found that more than 78 percent of the
oldest teens had consumed alcohol, about 47 percent consumed at least 12
drinks a year, and about 15 percent met the criteria for alcohol

The study also found that 81.4 percent of the oldest teens reported the
opportunity to use illicit drugs, 42.5 percent used drugs, and 16.4
percent were drug abusers.

The median age when teens started substance use was 14 for regular
alcohol use or abuse with or without dependence, 14 for drug abuse with
dependence, and 15 for drug abuse without dependence.

“Because the early onset of substance use is a significant predictor of
substance use behavior and disorders in a lifespan, the public health
implications of the current findings are far-reaching,” the team wrote in
the April issue of the journal Archives of General Psychiatry.

More must be done to make sure youth don’t start out early on the road
to substance abuse, Goldman said.

“It is imperative that families, schools, police, youth groups, and
communities all join together to prevent or delay the onset of substance
use as long as possible,” he said. “Social norms have a very powerful
impact on drug-use patterns. We need to create norms where substance use
and availability, especially for young people, is not acceptable.”

That means giving young people the resources to fight back, Goldman
added. “Effective early intervention needs to be universally available to
youth that are found to be using substance,” he said.

More information

The U.S. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism offers
advice on parenting to prevent childhood alcohol use.

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