Drugs and guns seized in NSW raid

Guns, ice, ecstasy and cannabis have been seized during raids on a car and home in Sydney’s southwest.

Officers from the Middle Eastern Organised Crime Squad were patrolling the Revesby area on Monday night when they stopped a car on Queen Street.

A search of the vehicle allegedly uncovered the drug ice , ecstasy, cannabis and the prescription drug Xanax.

Two men, aged 18 and 26, were arrested and charged with drug offences. The younger man was also charged with driving whilst disqualified.

Further investigations resulted in a police raid on a home in Newbridge Road, Liverpool, about 10am (AEST) on Tuesday.

Officers seized cannabis, ecstasy and ice, as well as a loaded .22 calibre shortened firearm, an air rifle and a telescopic lens.

Police said the firearms would undergo ballistic testing and more charges were expected to be laid.

The 18-year-old man has been refused bail to reappear in court on Wednesday while the older man is on conditional bail to reappear on July 4.

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