Dutch Fashion Label Rens Sees Red With its Newest Collection of Hand-Dyed Garments

rENs/Video screen capture

Working with the science of color, Eindhoven-based designers Renee Mennen Stefanie van Keijsteren, who together make up the design firm rENs, are hand-dying a clothing collection comprised of a monochrome rainbow of reds. Forget impersonal, industrial, eco-unfriendly dying processes — this is as handmade and personal as it gets.

Rood (which means ‘red’ in Dutch) features pieces that are hand-dipped in a variety of dye baths, depending on the type of fabric. The result is a collection that is an explosion of red, think: cadmium red, carmine red, apple red, oxblood red, alizarin red, vermilion red, mahogany red, red ocher, english red, bordeaux red, spanish red, red violet, persian red, cherry red, iron oxide red, orange red, blood red, signal red. A lot of red — lovely, lovely red.

© Lisa Klappe

Each garment is utterly unique, and comes with a code which can be tracked and traced online. The entire story of each piece can be read at the designers’ site.

See the process below in this stop-motion movie showing a piece of the collection coming to life.

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