Dutch MP quits after feigning knowledge of fictional terrorist

The Irish Times
Saturday, April 7, 2012

A DUTCH MP has been forced to resign after he was caught out in a spoof interview about the case of a controversial Muslim extremist and went on at great length about the matter when interviewed by a reporter from a radio talk show.

In the surprise interview outside parliament, Labour Party MP John Leerdam was asked by the reporter from Radio 3FM about Yael Yablahblah, also known as “the Hague street terrorist”.

The reporter referred to how he had been released from custody because of a judicial error.

The reporter, who was making up the story, fooled the politician into speaking seriously about the “controversy”. But instead of saying he had never heard anything about a Mr Yablahblah, the MP pretended to be on top of the issue. Mr Leerdam spoke gravely and at length about how he had been fully briefed on the case by his people.

The only problem was Yael Yablahblah does not exist and the entire story was a fabrication.

Read more: Dutch MP quits after feigning knowledge of fictional terrorist


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